Need a Bag of Peas

  • 15 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Radiotherapy day 1

So that's 1 x zap down, 4 more 2 go. My chest & arm pit r on fire. Anyone got a handy bag of frozen peas. Never suffered like this last time but I didn't have the mutant exploding alien then...

All suggestions/distractions gratefully received

WB xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh you poor thing! That sounds ghastly. There’s a live Q&A with the information support nurses tomorrow- details on the community home page 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh no sorry to hear you are suffering.  Can't imagine this heat is helping either.  I used R1 + R2 from the doctor.  I asked my gp for prescription.  The R1 is a gel that you put on as soon as you can after the zap and let it soak in. It takes the heat out of it.  I had 3 1/2 weeks with a bolus on and skin held under the end.

  • Hi WB, At least that's the first one over, I hope things get better from now on. Do they give you something, like cream or anything, at the RT department to use if you do get sore. I've never had RT thankfully but my neighbour had six weeks of it last year for breast cancer and she was given something that helped but only after I suggested to her she asked for help from them the following day! I do hope it settles! This weather certainly won't help, I had  WLE with skin graft many years ago and it still flares up when it's too hot or too cold!

    Good luck with the remaining treatment! Definitely R&R is on the cards for you! I've got Dermatologist tomorrow, I know it's necessary but I hate going! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh WB

    Sounds horrendous, I hope by now that someone has given you some cream, the type that Annette is talking about, and you are in less discomfort now. Surely that should have been offered to you, maybe it was, but from the sound of things, it doesn't seem that it's offered in some cases.

    Hope you're feeling a lot better, are you still in hospital or are you lying in the comfort of your own bed now? That's normally a psychological help. 

    Thinking of you

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Oh Tvman, u either r a rubbish sleeper like me or it took some time 4 this msg 2 upload.

    I'm staying at a supported housing place 4 patients undergoing cancer treatment who have 2 travel a fair distance. I'm 66miles from this big hospital (my local doesn't offer RT) so have checked in till Fri. Transport links in the NE of Scotland r rubbish . Its v good of them but I'm missing family, friends & my own bed.

    Skin is still burning hot & 2bh the radiotherapists weren't that helpful when I mentioned it 2 them - bought some aloe vera gel 2 c if that cools me down.

    As treatment doesn't actually take that long I have a lot of free time. Yesterday I overdid the walking so now have woken with incredibly sore hips. No idea wot adventures I'll get up 2 2day.

    Take care all

    WB xx

  • Hi WB,

    I hope that you take it a bit easier today.  I took my car to the garage for it's MOT two weeks ago and walked the two miles downhill back home in stages.  I am still rueing that idea as my knee was aching yet again in bed last night.

    I struggle with the hot weather and last year bought a Chillmax pillow.  They are filled with a gel which reacts to your body heat and draws it away leaving you feeling cooled.  It was really good at helping me get to sleep but unfortunately the effect only lasts for about 3 hours then it has to have time to cool down before it works again.  This was not good for me as the pillow (it is actually more like a pillow sized pad) is covered in plastic and once it stopped working the plastic drew the sweat out of me and I woke up about four hours after going to sleep with an even hotter sweatier head than I had earlier.  However, it might feel good pressed against the burning of the RT site.  They are available at lots of shops now including Argos.

    I know you like your shopping but perhaps a few more stops for a cup of tea or coffee this time.  I like to sit and watch the world go by especially if I have nowhere particular to be.

    love and hugs,

    Gragon x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Lol sounds like I could do with one of those pillows strapped 2 my chest (might then resemble a pantomime dame!!).

    Looked out the curtains 2 c its pouring with rain! Guess it'll b cafes & museums 2day.

    Sitting in the communal kitchen melting with the heat from all the appliances that everyone seems 2 b running at once.

    Air - fresh air - cooling breeze - fan - young handsome man wafting a fan at me : ok that's enough of my morning fantasies haha

    Have a good day boys & girls wotever u get up 2...

    WB xx

  • Hi WB, I think you'll find that Tvman & I tend to be night owls as pain keeps us from sleeping well!

    Poor you, being away from family and friends. Although as you say, it's good they have accommodation for you. I wonder have you asked at the hospital if there's anywhere you can go, after treatment? The reason I ask is because the cancer hospital I attend is the Beatson and on the top floor of the hospital they have a unit The Beatson Charity runs for patients having treatment. You can read, watch tv, go online while having a cuppa and sandwiches or they have lots of complimentary treatments like Reiki, Aromatherapy,Reflexology and many more. You always meet someone to chat to that makes the time go quickly. Or maybe there is a Maggie Centre nearby! They seem to keep them a secret and you find out by word of mouth!

    If your aloe vera doesn't work, it would be worth going to a chemist and ask to speak to the pharmacist privately to explain what you need. They know what the doctors prescribe! Gragon was talking about a Coolpillow, I bought a Coolpad from Boots (£9.50) and it's terrific, it goes on top of your pillow and really works, you don't have to do anything with it, just fasten it with the elastic straps so it doesn't move. I also bought another one from Amazon (£5) but it wasn't as good as there were no straps so it kept slipping, so watch out what you buy! Good luck today (Thursday) and don't overdo it, be kind to yourself! It'll soon be Friday!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Ding, ding! Round four. Nearly there, WB. 

    I do sympathise with overdoing it after effects. I finished the chemo about six weeks ago now and I was so excited to feel a wee bit better after months of feeling like an elephant had sat on me. Thought I could take on the world - or at least have a normal day. Hmmmm. I’m finding my new limits but unfortunately it’s often the hard way and with the help of anti emetics and pain killers. I feel like a walking pharmacy. 

    I do hope you find somewhere lovely to sit, drink tea and eat cake today 


  • Hi WB

    I've been beaten by Annette's explanation of pain.  Very often we're both awake in the early hours and can see each other's posts appearing in a discussion.We have a great deal of respect for each other because we know the other is suffering pain. Nice lady.

    And so are you, WB, and many others here. You're having a lot of discomfort yourself, WB. Sounds awful, wish I could do something for you. My son lives in Aberdeen, he's getting married soon to a lovely Bolivian girl, in the highest capital in the world, La Paz, I'm not allowed to travel but that's another story.

    I don't know much about the transport links in Scotland's NE, because I always hire a car when I go to Aberdeen. It's cheaper to fly and hire a car rather than be charged an arm and a leg, taking the car on the ferry and driving from Cairnryan.  

    That's a real bummer, having to stay on your own, in pain and in a strange bed.  Do they have facilities for someone to stay with you? Is it possible? Did the aloe vera do the job of cooling down the area? Hope you had a good day exploring yesterday and you can didn't overdo things and give yourself pain.

    Well, you're getting home later, yes? Hope your journey is enjoyable and you can have tea and cake as someone else said, I think.

    Well, here's hoping that the RT is effective. Is this the last batch or are you back on Monday?

    Take care WB

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.