Need a Bag of Peas

  • 15 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Radiotherapy day 1

So that's 1 x zap down, 4 more 2 go. My chest & arm pit r on fire. Anyone got a handy bag of frozen peas. Never suffered like this last time but I didn't have the mutant exploding alien then...

All suggestions/distractions gratefully received

WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Morning Tvman et al!

    So awoken by the heat, the nippy pain, the sounds of planes (so close 2 Aberdeen airport), a raging thirst & a full bladder (2 much info haha).

    So 2day is last day! Hurrah! Hang out the flags! This girl is going home! - a tiny bit excited....

    Alien boob & friends r still aching & have bn seem by every staff member at ARI- or so it seems.

    Y'day I took a trip 2 Dundee (just over an hour by train) & visited the new V&A museum. Lovely building but 2bh there really isnt that much 2 c. Also visited Discovery & got a refreshed on Captain Scott & the Antarctic- nice day out.

    I remember reading about ur son's forthcoming nuptials- perhaps they can live stream the ceremony so u could "b there"????

    Husband could have stayed but having 2 dogs at home & him having 2 take annual leave seemed 2 cause logistical probs so j left him at home

     There r a few couples staying here as there r people from Orkney & Shetland (such funny accents but lovely people).

    Have given up 4 the time being with the aloe vera as even that is stinging a bit as some areas r open wounds/nearly open/scabby (another lovely Scits word) - wont put u off ur porridge.

    Still another 90mins b4 I need 2 get up so will try & distract myself with more Killing Eve.....

    Ciao all

    WB xx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    i hope you’re home and fast asleep. I live close to London I take the easy access to healthcare for granted. You’ve reminded me that it’s not so easy for some people. 

    I have my fingers  crossed that the soreness will abate and the RT begins to help. 

    Have a restful day 


  • Hi WB, Just wondering how you are doing now! I hope being in your own bed has made a difference but I see you are up with us "night owls" again! Did you ask them to prescribe something for the pain and heat? If not, time to let them know how uncomfortable you are!

    Tvman, thank you for your nice words! ( the cheque is in the post!! ) LOL!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Morning Annette et al,

    Glad 2 b home & loving my bed, the company of husband & the dogs and the freedom!

    Had a very glum day Mon after a visit 2 practice nurse who in answer 2 my question said my fungating- wound wouldn't get any better - felt down & tearful b4 I saw her so u can imagine how I felt after. Had a rubbish w/end with wound leaking,, bleeding & it smells revolting...

    So had a visit from my CBN who was a lot more positive (although I was a bit weepy & glum with her). She's suggested increased visits 2 get the dressing changed, get it swabbed. 4 infection (again), tey an antifungal gel on it & start the latest chemo nxt week - (subject 2 the Onc's permission). She's the Onc's right hand woman & knows what should b happening b4 he does aometimes. Can't say I'm ecstatic about the chemo but I knew it was coming - poor old hands r trembling with the thought of cannulas again :( 

    But on a nicer point, I had a lovely afternoon out y'day with a chum :) . We had lunch (comfort food - sausage, egg & chips mmm), then a glorious walk along the beach & a scrumptious ice cream. Have overdone the walking as v achy now but it was just wot I needed.

    I do ramble - apologies!

    Thanks u Daloni, I have bn doing all those things but appreciate u & others looking out 4 me & others.

    Might get a few more hours sleep b4 nurse visit again. I hear rain this morning:(


    WB xx

  • Hi WB, I'm so sorry to hear about your wound troubles. I can empathise with you because when I had a groin dissection the stitches all burst because of infection and was so inflamed there was no way the sides would come together. In the end I was sent home with a Vax machine which worked to pump out everything (yuck won't go into detail) that wasn't meant to be in it. The district nurses came in three times a day for 2 months then twice a day for four months before it started to dry up a bit! It seemed like years at the time but it did eventually dry and join together. I also have problems with cannulas and cringe when I see them coming to put one in! We could be sisters!! If you are going to have regular chemo for a while, could they maybe put a pick line or similar for the duration?  Anyway it won't last forever, it will sort itself out. In the meantime a nice walk (but a shorter one next time) and lunch sounds like a great thing to fill in the time! Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!