
  • 14 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello All, haven’t posted anything in a while but have been keeping an eye on a  Wink

I had to stop oral chemo because of complications and had a month without it. I restarted a month ago on half the dose. Same side effects but not as severe, and I felt I still had a bit of spark.

On Sun I was admitted with pleurisy, pneumonia & a small pleural effusion. A DNR was put in place, and things once again seemed pretty bleak. The hospital Oncologist said the cancer was progressing with widespread metastasis throughout my sternum & spine.

I saw my own Oncologist  today, yesterday’s blood showed the cancer markers had come down a bit. After a long discussion it was decided to try again with a half dose of oral chemo (chemo light someone called it!) starting next Fri to give me chance to recover a bit, and repeat scans in Aug.

A couple valuable lessons learned,

Some of the things I thought were ‘in place’ weren’t actually recorded anywhere

My sons, who seemed so calm & to be coping well, have no recollection of our conversation about a DNR order earlier this year.

They were shocked, and one of them asked if he could over-ride it. They thought it was a long way down the line and just put it to one side

A strategy that’s given to alcoholics in crisis, what do I have to do to get through the next 15 mins/30 mins/hour worked really well

I’m sure my funeral arrangements are right for my family and friends

Theres no place like home Grin xx

  • Welcome home, very glad to hear you're still with us! 

    Feel better soon, and you know where I am if you need me! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember


    That sounds dramatic and probably very painful too. I am quite shocked reading about it so I can understand your sons being shocked.

    I am glad you’re home and with a plan in place. Are you more comfortable? 

    Lots of love 


  • Good Morning ,

    I'm really pleased to hear that you are home and that you have a plan for your "chemo light".

    Getting your family to understand what your situation is and what you want can be really difficult so I hope that your sons understand better now.

    Like Lass said call if you want anything.

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • Hi

    I'm so sorry to read you're having to deal with this. You speak with such grace though, hoping chemo light keeps your side effects light too and you can enjoy some nice treats - sounds like you deserve a break from it all. 

    Thinking of you. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Thanks Lass,

    ' the old man's friend'  it should have taken me, so I feel like I've used up another of my 9 lives.

    You've been having a tough time. I'll come and see you when things have settled down, you're the only person who's made me really want to come to Leeds! Gragon has already suggested this, and was hoping to contact flower lady too. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni,

    It crept up on me, and then turned into a medical emergency in the space of a few hours. Then there was the realisation that this could be it. 

    There was an equally scary event on the 2nd night, when I realised the lady opposite was having an altercation with our bank nurse. She was trying to connect an IV line that had a couple of inches of air in it. When the patient protested the nurse tried to shake the air out, and dropped the line on the floor. She still wanted to connect it. The sister who came to sort it out didn't appreciate the full story, and wanted to replace just the last link in the line. I was frantically signally to the patient that the whole lot including the bag was contaminated, no 5 second rule here!

    The bank nurse came in later, stood in the middle of the room and challenged us. She said she knew her job and it was important not to tell lies, at which point another lady was in tears. The shit hit the fan in the morning and the bank nurse is toast.

    As one of the ladies said, if you saw it in a soap you would think it was too far fetched.

    I'm so much more comfortable, having lots of lovely bubble baths! Have lost track of the Meet Up thread, but hoping that will come off, wouldn't that be lovely Smiley xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Thanks Gragon.

    I don't think I fully understood the situation either. I assumed that as I'm reasonably well at the moment CPR would be worth a try, and the DNR would come at a later stage when my quality of life had deteriorated.

    I feel so much confident about the decisions I'm making, just need to remember that the boys can only take in so much at a time, and we need to keep talking about it.

    Lets do that trip to Leeds in a couple of weeks. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    Thanks Gobaith,

    I'm so lucky to have a Consultant who's willing to give it another try, the other one was lovely but not at all hopeful.

    We all have to deal with such high dramas, good results/ bad results, tolerating treatment/ not tolerating it... and the way things change in a heartbeat.

    I can't imagine dealing with any of this with 3 young children. So pleased that your recent scans were encouraging, and hope that you'll get as much time as possible with them. If you have a year with no new brain mets you might be able to apply to get your driving licence back.

    The support from you all is priceless. I just don't know what to say to the friend who asked me if I felt well enough to go to the open air cinema the day I got out of hospital, or the cousin who said, 'hope you soon get ever this blip'  xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My lovely 23 year old son put some things together for me to take to hospital. He did pretty well, and even chucked in a makeup bag. It's one I used for a party last year, so it had false eyelashes and 3D effect lipstick in it. Another day in hospital and I might have been tempted.....xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I have just read through your replies to each of us and hit the “like” button several times. It’s not exactly what I mean as actually I need a “what the actual f***” for most of it. Unbelievable. The bank nurse. The insensitive friends and relations. The lipstick - well actually I can like that one. It made me laugh. 

    Bubble baths sound just the ticket right now 

    Lots of love 
