
  • 14 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello All, haven’t posted anything in a while but have been keeping an eye on a  Wink

I had to stop oral chemo because of complications and had a month without it. I restarted a month ago on half the dose. Same side effects but not as severe, and I felt I still had a bit of spark.

On Sun I was admitted with pleurisy, pneumonia & a small pleural effusion. A DNR was put in place, and things once again seemed pretty bleak. The hospital Oncologist said the cancer was progressing with widespread metastasis throughout my sternum & spine.

I saw my own Oncologist  today, yesterday’s blood showed the cancer markers had come down a bit. After a long discussion it was decided to try again with a half dose of oral chemo (chemo light someone called it!) starting next Fri to give me chance to recover a bit, and repeat scans in Aug.

A couple valuable lessons learned,

Some of the things I thought were ‘in place’ weren’t actually recorded anywhere

My sons, who seemed so calm & to be coping well, have no recollection of our conversation about a DNR order earlier this year.

They were shocked, and one of them asked if he could over-ride it. They thought it was a long way down the line and just put it to one side

A strategy that’s given to alcoholics in crisis, what do I have to do to get through the next 15 mins/30 mins/hour worked really well

I’m sure my funeral arrangements are right for my family and friends

Theres no place like home Grin xx

  • Sorry it's been so rough. I hope you are feeling a little more comfortable and calm. Big hugs xx

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    I think sometimes people are insensitive because we hide how s*** we feel. I’m thinking of starting a thread about what to say to people and how to deal with the things they say to us. I’ve never heard of 3-D lipstick but it sounds like fun. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That's true Maybug. I do believe that often false reassurances and minimising our problems are peoples way of coping, and generally well meant.

    Please do start that thread. It does help to have to have a few well prepared answers to shut down unwelcome or intrusive attention.

    My brother once said, be wary of people who just want to be part of your drama, I now know what he meant.

    None of this is unique to cancer sufferers as anyone who's suffered a bereavement, redundancy, marriage break up etc will testify, but thoughtless comments as well as being hurtful, are energy vampires!

    3D effect lipstick really is good fun! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good advice about having answers prepared. I’ve got a few on hand. I don’t tell people I don’t know well any more than I have to.