Bucket lists

  • 42 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Since finding out, has anyone made up a bucket list?! What things have you/ would you put on there ? 

Purely just out of curiosity and for a bit of fun :)  

  • FormerMember

    I make lists, housework to be done when I feel up to it

    places to visit and where I would like to go on holiday

  • FormerMember

    I have a bucket list.  It started off with simple stuff like picking up my baby etc but I've driven the west coast of California,  seen shows,  gone on days out, done posh afternoon tea.  

    I love a list and ticking the stuff off is great.  I'm fact I need new things for my list so happy to steal ideas lol

  • Places to visit, I have booked treats I wouldn't normally do such as first class on a steam train. Not gone mad yet with spending cash, but probably will do soon. How about you? X

    Flowerlady x
  • I started my bucket list that I keep up in my head with a weekend at a beautiful hotel on the Antrim Coast Road facing the Irish Sea and by chance I was given the best suite in the hotel. I always wanted to stay there and I was sitting with a glass of wine watching the tide come in at 4am! 

    Other holidays include Menton on the south coast of France where we had a lovely meal overlooking the Mediterranean about 20 years ago. Also, for it's beautiful gardens and cuisine, Madeira. There was Nice, New York which I wasn't keen to go to but I asked my wife if there was anywhere she wanted to visit with me to share the experience and she immediately said New York, so New York it was, and you know what? I loved every minute, because the people are so kind and helpful for wheelchair users.

    The west coast of Ireland saw us a few times, Galway, Westport, Donegal and Sligo. I've been to the West End in London, The Shard and the Sports Personality of the Year show in Birmingham along with several televised snooker tournaments, but unfortunately not The World Championship....yet, lol.

    When in Paris, we bought expensive his and hers watches along with compulsory perfumes! That cost me the price of a cruise which is a good link to mention the Fjords cruise and a separate trip to Iceland to see the birth of a new country in motion. I studied geology as part of my second degree with the OU. The country is amazing, I'd advise anyone to go. I was able to walk in the Blue Lagoon for over an hour because of the salts in the water. Minus 5 above the water and 25 degrees in the water.

    That's it though, I now prefer to go to Peterborough to stay with my daughter, her husband and my little rascal grandson who has just turned 3. We try to see them about every 6 weeks for a few days at a time. 

    All in all, my incurable cancer diagnosis has been good for the spirit, in a strange way! 


    Love life and family.
  • No I haven’t made a bucket list, purely because I didn’t want my husband and children left feeling guilty because I’d not got around to doing everything.  X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I’m starting off small Joy I’ve got a few places I’d love to visit, days out and trips and things with the kids to give them some nice memories. I’d love to do something wild and completely “not me” that will give everyone something to talk about long afterI’m gone! Haha

    I love a list too, it’s so refreshing crossing stuff off! Haha. 

    I’m still new to bucket lists, once I get a few new ideas that’s not just travelling I’ll definitely share them. If you can think of anything wild and out there let me know Joy

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    I’ve got a few small things started, my husband and I are going to Venice for our anniversary next month and then next on the list is Disneyland with with kids. Our son wants to go to London sightseeing so we’re looking into that too. I want to put things on there that aren’t just “travelling” but that’s the ones I’m struggling with! 

    My worry is money, but my husband says not to panic too much about it all and just focus on enjoying life and making memories with the children. It’s not quite that easy though is it?! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    wow that’s some list you’ve been working on!! Seems like you and your wife have been having an amazing time!! 

    I love that it has been good for the spirit!! I try and see it as a good thing in that, now I can actually focus on doing the things that I want to do and making memories with the people I love while I still can :) 

    i hope you enjoy your next visit to see your grandson!! :)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mummyb

    that’s totally understandable and I get that 100% Blush

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    my simple ones were going on picnics with the family or to the sea side that didn't cost much money or use alot of energy.  It is about making memories. I also keep a diary for my daughter to tell her about the things we have done (she's 2 so probably won't remember much)