• 11 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi EVERYONE, I'm so sorry I haven't been much of a support to those who needed it for some time now but I've had my own "stuff" to deal with! This is the shortened version of what's been going on!

March 20th Spinal surgery, decompression of nerves,filing off of bone spurs,metal bracket to stabilise spine. (Caused by cancer drug accelerating osteoarthritis!  Surgery went well as did the 1st week.                                                                                                         Then the following week had to go to nurse practitioner as wound burning, had urine tested, result E-Coli 3 days strong antibiotics.   Ended up in bed the following week, felt awful.Back to NP to get stitches out,wound still burning.  More antibiotics for 7days, back in bed. Before the week was up, back again because wound was jaggy and stitches sticking through skin. Told I'd taken an allergic reaction to the material  the "disposable" stitches were made of, so they wouldn't si solve.  District Nurse came every 2nd day to remove them once they found their way through skin.   Woke up during the night bed and I were soaked through, This happened several nights in a row! Saw NP took urine sample, she said there was blood,protein plus a few other things that shouldn't be there. Sample sent to lab. That was Friday before last. Got a call Thursday last week to ask to hand in another sample as the other one went astray!! The NP said I had a temperature and with the severe sweats she was worried the cancer was on its way back. 

Meantime, every week for the last 4 weeks I've had to call the Out of Hours GP as my husband was on his hands and knees due to the pain of Gallstones. They gave him an anti sickness and pain injection and all was fine for another 6 or 7 days. Then Thursday night, things got much worse, he had a high temp, was shaking all over and was violently sick. The doctor came in and immediately called for an ambulance. I went with him, we got to A&E at 4.30am and he was admitted once they found a bed about 7.15am. Our son then took me home and either our son or daughter has picked me up to take me to see him at night and the other has visited during the day to keep him company for a bit! They did an ultrasound yesterday but couldn't see the stones that were on the CT scan taken last September when we were away for a weekend and he ended up in hospital in Dundee. Since then he has had no problem until this past 4 weeks. His bloods are all over the place and he is still in so much pain they gave him Oramorph yesterday for the first time. Now we wait to see if the Consultant now wants a CT scan or an Endoscope to see what's happening. I'm waiting for my results to come back also! Of course I'm hoping I just have an infection that has got a bit worse but once someone puts the C word in your mind, it's hard to take it back out. I have tried to read the posts in the Incurablebles Group, usually at this time when I'm not asleep.    

I do hope everyone is as good as they can be and enjoys the lovely weather that has been predicted for next week! Take Care All.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annette

    This is not what was supposed to happen at all. I’m so sorry you’ve had - are having - such an awful time of it. There’s no need at all for you to apologise. I really hope you and your husband turn a corner and start to feel better soon. There’s a summer to enjoy! 

    Perhaps rather than dwell on things going wrong, I’ll share some of the fun things in my life. Top of my list is a big day tomorrow when my daughter is taking me to her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award ceremony at Buckingham Palace. We shall put on our posh frocks and head off on the train into London. She was in the first group to do the gold award at her school and one of her former teachers (now colleagues as my daughter works at the school) will be joining us. It promises to be a fun day although I shall probably have to cry  . Hanky up the sleeve time  

    I think you’ve seen my blanket - thanks for your kind comments. I usually make things with a recipient in mind but this one I made because I loved the colours and pattern and frankly I knew I had a lot of sofa days coming up. I’m the very devil when I’m bored so always need something to do. So now I’m in a quandary as to who I should give it to. It’s a toss up between my best friend and my sister. 

    I’ve not made it out of bed yet today but the sun is streaming in through my bedroom window. Maybe I’ll manage a bit of gardening or perhaps I’ll be able to wrinkle my little one from her exam revision for a short wander. 

    Sending you lots of love 


  • Hi Annette,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you and your husband have been going through so much in the past couple of months.  I hope that when your husband is feeling better you give him a good telling off for avoiding his surgery when he had the chance and causing you all this worry.

    I had a minor surgery about 30 years ago which resulted in me becoming allergic to the low allergy surgical tape that they used to stick the dressing on with.  I'm fine with plasters, they can stay as long as they like but the micropore style tapes make my skin start to go red after about 30 minutes.  Isn't it strange that we can react to things that are supposed to cause less reactions but be fine with the stuff that they had before.  Mine is only a minor allergy but following my blood tests or CT scan I must remember to take the tape off soon after or you can see the mark on my arm for a week.

    Hopefully they will find that you just have an infection.  I have been advised that my medication makes me more prone to infection but the fact that I am type 2 diabetic means that antibiotics don't work as quickly for me now.  Where before it would take a seven day course to resolve any issues I now find that I need at least a two week course and sometimes more.

    I have nothing major planned today.  My sister is popping over as she has not seen my son since his birthday and I hope to get some time gardening.  I have some plants that I want to get out and the forecast in North Yorks looks OK for the rest of the week so I think I will risk any late frosts.  The forecast said we might get one last night but there was  no sign of one when I got up.

    I hope that you can get these problems resolved soon and hope that you too get the opportunity to enjoy the good weather.

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • Hi Annette, , I’m sorry you’re having a tough time of it, I thought as we have the same cancer and you have for so long been the person ahead of me I thought you might like to hear my good news. I have for the second time since having that incurable diagnosis in 2015, had the news no measurable disease. First scan after my surgery to remove my node that was resistant to Pembrolizumab, and nothing else is showing, I’m still on Pembro every 3 weeks until possibly March to keep it that way.

    wishing you and your lovely hubby a speedy resolution to all the anxieties you must be under at the moment.

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Hi Annette, Sorry you and hubby are having a tough time at the moment, hope they sort out the gallstones for him as it is a nasty pain. I have a scan today to see what is causing my lower back pain, I didnt know cancer treatments could make arthritis which i have, worse. Dont know how i am going to lie on the scanner bed as i am in agony. Hope you both feel better soon. Lynn xxxxx

  • Hi,

    sorry you have had such a bad time. Horrible to have urine infection and as well as wound infection on top.

    hope things are now a bit better and the ABs have worked. Don’t know why they would say the cancer may be back.

    my mother had gall stones once the gall bladder is out the pain is cured and life can go on normally for your husband. It is weird to be in hospital with the person who is normally there to support you needing your support.

    My husbands  hand has finally healed.

    my mother is my main worry at the moment with incontinence and not managing on her own at home with carers twice a day. She is looking forward to going to the nursing home while I am on holiday.

    meanwhile I go over every day in between the carers and do the washing and shopping and take her to the toilet all very tiring.

    my daughter has been on holiday and we have her 2 dachshunds as well as our dog. They have been good to get me out in the sunshine.

    I am re covered from the RFA but have a sore throat and cough and muzzy head. I am waiting to here if my oncologist is successful in asking for funding for lenvatiniib






  • Hi Daloni, Well will you still be speaking to us minions once you return from The Palace!! You must be very proud of her and quite right too. Photos please! Thanks for your reply and it seems to me you have no choice but to make another blanket! You can't give to your friend and not your sister, or indeed the other way around! Think you've just found your next project hopefully when you are sitting in the garden in the nice weather! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Well Gragon, Can you believe SNAP! I am also allergic to micropore tape and dressings with that around the edges. When I go to get bloods or scans done I take my own plasters and it saves any fuss! Most nurses say people are usually allergic to plasters not the micropore tape, so at least now I know I'm in good company! Thanks for your reply, I'm hoping things settle down soon and by the way, I have already given my husband that particular lecture. He had a date for his pre-op assessment but instead of phoning and postponing it, he cancelled it altogether, making me his excuse! Oh he got it!!  Oh, my husband is also a type 2 diabetic, was diagnosed about two years ago.  Thanks again for your reply and I hope you have a lovely day with your sister!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh KT, What terrific news, I'm so pleased for you. It's music to your ears no evidence or measurable disease!  I hope Pembro continues to work its magic for you. Oh and yes, I am still ahead of you by 2 years. I'm sure this is just an infection and a run of not so good luck but it's bound to get better sooner! Thanks!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Lynn2 Thanks for taking the time to reply and I hope your scan goes well and isn't too painful for you to have. I was told to take painkillers before I went for back scans and they helped a bit, I just kept telling myself it'll be over soon! Please let us know how you get on! Xxx

    Hi Ruth, You never know, once your mum goes into the home while you are on holiday, she might like it there and want to stay or at least visit regularly for rest-bite! I'm pleased your husbands hand has healed at last, I hope he is helping with the dogs! You don't make life easy for yourself taking on 2 extra dogs on top of everything else! You will really need your holiday! Great things have settled after the RFA and everything crossed your oncologist can get the funding on your behalf!

    TO ALL

    Thank you so much for your replies, they are all really appreciated! I will let you know what's happening, when I know! 

    I hope you all get the sunshine promised this week and to those with a garden, don't be tempted to overdo things, it'll still be there when you've rested! Take Care.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Annette, what tribulations! Have been catching up. Will be thinking of you.