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Hi EVERYONE, I'm so sorry I haven't been much of a support to those who needed it for some time now but I've had my own "stuff" to deal with! This is the shortened version of what's been going on!

March 20th Spinal surgery, decompression of nerves,filing off of bone spurs,metal bracket to stabilise spine. (Caused by cancer drug accelerating osteoarthritis!  Surgery went well as did the 1st week.                                                                                                         Then the following week had to go to nurse practitioner as wound burning, had urine tested, result E-Coli 3 days strong antibiotics.   Ended up in bed the following week, felt awful.Back to NP to get stitches out,wound still burning.  More antibiotics for 7days, back in bed. Before the week was up, back again because wound was jaggy and stitches sticking through skin. Told I'd taken an allergic reaction to the material  the "disposable" stitches were made of, so they wouldn't si solve.  District Nurse came every 2nd day to remove them once they found their way through skin.   Woke up during the night bed and I were soaked through, This happened several nights in a row! Saw NP took urine sample, she said there was blood,protein plus a few other things that shouldn't be there. Sample sent to lab. That was Friday before last. Got a call Thursday last week to ask to hand in another sample as the other one went astray!! The NP said I had a temperature and with the severe sweats she was worried the cancer was on its way back. 

Meantime, every week for the last 4 weeks I've had to call the Out of Hours GP as my husband was on his hands and knees due to the pain of Gallstones. They gave him an anti sickness and pain injection and all was fine for another 6 or 7 days. Then Thursday night, things got much worse, he had a high temp, was shaking all over and was violently sick. The doctor came in and immediately called for an ambulance. I went with him, we got to A&E at 4.30am and he was admitted once they found a bed about 7.15am. Our son then took me home and either our son or daughter has picked me up to take me to see him at night and the other has visited during the day to keep him company for a bit! They did an ultrasound yesterday but couldn't see the stones that were on the CT scan taken last September when we were away for a weekend and he ended up in hospital in Dundee. Since then he has had no problem until this past 4 weeks. His bloods are all over the place and he is still in so much pain they gave him Oramorph yesterday for the first time. Now we wait to see if the Consultant now wants a CT scan or an Endoscope to see what's happening. I'm waiting for my results to come back also! Of course I'm hoping I just have an infection that has got a bit worse but once someone puts the C word in your mind, it's hard to take it back out. I have tried to read the posts in the Incurablebles Group, usually at this time when I'm not asleep.    

I do hope everyone is as good as they can be and enjoys the lovely weather that has been predicted for next week! Take Care All.