Not Last Option (Possibly)

  • 14 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi all

So last week it was very leaky eyes as I thought I was on my last treatment ever, nothing left 2 try. But now had a phone call from BCN 2day who tells me that my oncologist is fighting my case and put me forward 4 & its bn agreed in principle (subject 2 scan) that I'm going 4 a bilateral mastectomy...

Onc wants me 2 start this last chemo 2morrow with the 2nd dose nxt week instead of after my hols 2 keep things under control b4 the nxt action plan. I'm worried that I might have side effects & a lower than normal immune system - just what I need with flying on the 22nd May.

I was speechless as I'd bn passed over 4 a mastectomy 18 months ago as they thought there would b probs closing me up. So a lot 2 think about but off I pop 2 hospital 2morrow 4 bloods & chemo....aaagghhhh.

#confused #speechless #whatnext


  • FormerMember

    Gosh that is a lot to think about and I guess you decide what's best for you but the docs wouldnt decide to do the op if it wasn't safe.  

    What chemo are they putting you on?

    Keep us updated and good luck x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    That sounds positive.  Got everything crossed for you xxx

    get some of that vics first response spray for the plane, it might help.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    It's Eribulin that start 2morrow. I'm hoping it all goes smoothly & side effects are minimal - will my veins b on their best behaviour????

    Not building up my hopes re the surgery. Bn there b4 when a surgeon turned round & said they wouldn't do surgery. Watch this space. Running out of options.

    WB x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB

    that sounds like a chink of light but a daunting prospect. I hope you can get all the information you need to make the right decision for you 

    lots of love 


  • Hi ,

    We live in a strange world where the prospect of a bi-lateral mastectomy is good news but I'm pleased to hear that things are looking up a bit.  Hopefully the surgeon will not back out this time.

    If your veins do play up and they start slapping your arm to get them up, try suggesting that if you slapped them that may get your blood pumping about a bit more and might raise a vein or two.

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB 

    Best of luck for today. Veins are a constant problem  -  my chemo nurse describes mine as " dancing veins  ".

    Wishing you all the best 

    Albondigas x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB.

    I'm pleased they are still fighting for you and have a possible new idea.  The surgeons won't touch me either yet!

    I had my first Eribulin on Weds and haven't found it too bad.  It is incredibly quick - it took them longer to canulate me than the whole treatment and flush! No real side effects, been a little more tired and foggy than the paclitaxol but still managed work, netball, school runs etc.  Hoping the rest is like that too and it is for you too.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Daisy Doo 4 that info. The actual infusion was very quick as I'd bn told. All in all I was in & out in just over an hour - that included a blether with a fellow chemo chum & my BCN ( she was equally stunned with the nxt potential plan).

    Thanks 4 the heads up on side effects. I was at work y'day b4 & after treatment- it's at my local hospital so only a 10min trip in the car. By last night I had a pain in my side & achy legs & was knackered. Have 2 b ok 2day as daughter needs taken 2 another hospital 4 an MRI scan on her gammy knee (over 2 hours on the bus - bleurghh) - will add the cost of this 2 the long list of monies 2 b paid back when she gets a job after graduating!!! Had 2 go private or face a flippin long wait....

    U take care & let me know how things go. R they re-scanning u after a certain number of rounds & how many do they plan on giving u? With my chemo I usually receive it until it stops work/or I need a break.

    Oh need 2 get up in 45mins....#longday #tiredalready

    WB xx

  • FormerMember

    Holy shit WB, I’m with Gragon. The world is spinning on a different axis when a bilateral mastectomy is good news.

    Good to know your Oncologist is fighting for you. Good luck with the chemo, hope it goes as smoothly as possible and you can still have a wonderful holiday in the middle of such a challenging time. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So far hormone therapy made no difference, chemo no 1 it grew, chemo no 2 worked for 2 cycles so now on chemo no 3 and radiotherapy at the same time.  I've not managed more than .A few months on one treatment before it becomes resistant.  It's rather aggressive and inflammatory but It is not acting in any way they think it will.  Apparently, it is acting like triple negative but isn't.

    I can be on Eribulin for as long as it works so we just have to see what the next few months hold.  Base line scan requested but I know when the plan will be changing as my alien starts with the inflammatory orange peel swelling!

    Hope you are having a good weekend x