Is that considered good news???

  • 14 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So,  I had my latest MRI a free weeks ago and the results weren't ready so my doc (referred to as the my little pony doc) told me o over the phone everything was good. 

Today I got the written results of the MRI and it's not good. I've got another tumour in my spine and at the bottom of the report it says thar there are signs of progression! What part of that is good news??? A nurse gave me the report so tomorrow I'm going to have to ring my team as question them about.  I'm really quite f'd off about this.


So I now know my next scan is not going to be gourd which will then put me on a new treatment plan - if they have one as it will be my 5th line.  I was hoping for much longer. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Button, 

    How can professionals be so careless and uncaring. Your doc had obviously not read the report or misread it. So sorry you have had this setback. Take a strong stance tomorrow and get some answers.  I know what you mean about another line of treatment and I'm only on number 3.

    Wishing you all the best 

    Albondigas x 

  • Oh Button, I really am lost for words! ( not like me usually)  It sounds to me like your "little pony doc" (why this nickname?) needs to be put out to pasture, this is an unforgivable mistake, no one should make! If I were you, I'd stay annoyed until you speak to this numpty and then have him pass you on to his Boss! This needs reported! They should now be bending over backwards to find you a treatment that works ASAP!

    I'm so very sorry you have been put through this but hope it will make you more determined to overcome this setback!  Xxx

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember


    That’s a real curveball. Your question “what part of that is good news” is remarkably restrained. I’m so sorry about the way you heard the news but more so about the result itself.

    I do hope they have a plan for you. Take it easy and do the things that help - and if that involves letting the my little pony (yes! Why the nickname?) hsve it with both barrels then so be it.

    Lots of love


  • FormerMember

    FFS!!! That really is unforgivable. You should be able to trust your doc 100%, and he/she fobbed you off. The report must have been a double whammy, and as you say, has huge implications for you. I really hope you can make your feelings known today. 

    As if you didn't have enough to deal with, I'm so sorry you got your results this way.

    Have everything crossed that there's a way forward that will keep you well and stable for far longer xx

  • Oh that's not good at all. I'm so sorry there's progression - seems so unfair. 

    I had an oncologist who wouldn't tell me the entire truth (although it took months for me to find out) during my first line of treatment and read in a report that I had far more cancer spread than I was aware of - it was a huge shock. Had I known I would have been asking for and exploring alternatives much sooner. I do wonder why they expect us to leave our brains at the door sometimes, really disrespectful. Really hope you can have an open and honest discussion without ruining the relationship and find a way forward with more productive treatment. Don't hold back - you deserve better and it's too important - it's not an ingrown toe nail. Or ask for a new Onc. Trust is so important - I switched in the end, I can't face that original Dr now - Sadly I felt she would have been happy to let me sit in a corner and perish. 

    Wish I could wave a magic wand for you and remove it all. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    Hi Button

    That is definitely so wrong telling you that and then the report saying signs of progression. Good luck with speaking to them. Let us know how youk get on.  My family can’t understand why I ask to see the report, but I need to see it for myself to know what is going on with my body.  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So I've  rung my CNS at 9am and I'm  waiting for her to call me back.....

    We call her the my little pony due to her rather annoying voice and over perkiness (i mean I'm  cheery but shes on anither scale). I hate being whiny but i see the hospital not giving the service that ot once did and i just dont think i'm getting the service i need and I'm stuck as to what to do. I'm not ready to just give up.

  • FormerMember

    It is very upsetting and frustrating when that happens. I had similar situation when advised CT scan was clear. Then later told about

    small tumour on right side of breast, no one told me before this. It was described as not being that important as it is very small. Hey this is my body and would appreciate being told about any change no matter how small  anything might be !!!!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Button 

    Any contact from the hospital yet?

    Albondigas x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    But I have just had an amazing meal at Le gavroche which is a michel roux Jr restaurant and it was incredible. So that's helped my mood. 

    I guess I'll be ringing them tomorrow