Mixed scan results

  • 16 replies
  • 42 subscribers


I am sitting in the trials unit at UCLH waiting for the chemo. It’s the start of month 5 and the bloods are taking ages. 

Meanwhile, I have had some results from last week’s scan. “Mixed” was the verdict. The main tumours (liver, lung, adrenal gland) have shrunk or stayed stable. But there’s something sinister lurking around one of the big blood vessels in my chest. So they want an MRI scan to get a better idea of what it might be. If it’s the cancer spreading then I’m off the trial but my oncologist says she has other trials lined up. If not then onwards with this trial. 

More uncertainty and another hospital appointment. I’ll need a few days for the snow globe to settle on this one I think. 


  • FormerMember

    Oh Daloni, I'm so sorry to hear that. The uncertainty is just relentless and and must be utterly exhausting. Your Oncologist does inspire confidence though, she seems to always be one step ahead. Thinking of you and sending much love. I hope you don't have to wait much longer....xx

  • Oh I'm sorry to hear that too. 

    I hope you can dig deep and wait and see what the MRI brings - glad you got today's dose. Be kind to yourself. Know you're not alone and are being thought of. 

    Much love


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith


    I am still waiting for the chemo - at 4.30pm. Been here since 9am. It’s turning into a very trying day 


  • FormerMember

    Gosh, that could have been the conversation that I had last week after my scan.  Three of my tumours (adrenal gland, liver and abdomen) are the same and two (lung and one in my chest near a main blood vessel) have shrunk.  Lymph nodes seem same, at the moment.  I hope that you get good assistance with trials (not anything on offer here in Shropshire).  At least mine is no worse so I can live with that.

    Thinking of you and hope that chemo is going well

    lots of love



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh Daloni how frustrating for you and your scan results must be emotionally draining

    Fingers crossed for you 

  • FormerMember

    Dear Daloni,

    Showing up early and then having to wait in the infusion waiting room for hours is unsettling, hope you have family with you to pass the time.  

    The scan indeed is unsettling I hope the MRI clears up the situation.  (I routinely use 3T MRI for my scans since they show more detail). 

    Here is hoping that the MRI gives a successful result for you. The uncertainty is stomach churning -

    You are incredibly strong, I'll be sending healing thoughts to you this week and you will be in my heart.   Try to imagine all of the Community being with you.

    Peaceful and Calming thoughts,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh daloni,

    I echo what  everyibe else has said here. The waiting is just unbearable at times.  Your oncologist sounds just amazing. Fingers crossed and do let us know how you get on x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Daloni that is pure pants! That is the up & down of our lives. 

    We can only keep our fingers crossed 4 the results. As the others have said u seem 2 have a fabulous oncologist. Mine has bn good as well, not sure how much he will do when I've exhausted all the traditional treatments.

    Still continuing with the Vinorelbine- this is cycle 3. I've postponed my scan until after my hols so I don't have 2 contemplate any potential bad news. I'm not convinced it's doing much 2bh. 3 weeks 2morrow we're jetting off 2 Venice & then onto a Greek Isle cruise....aaahhhh

    Take care hun 

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your kind words, my friends. I finally got home at 8.20 last night. Ate, dozed on the sofa, went to bed and slept well. I feel refreshed this morning - although I am not out of bed yet. 

    It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day and I’m feeling...reasonable so far Joy

    Today feels quite exciting. I’m off to join Macmillan’s Expert Advisory Panel. It used to be the expert clinical panel but the remit is changing with the new strategy as they want to include the patient voice. There’s a big project going on to work out how to do that meaningfully and I’ve been asked to join on a temporary basis to hold the lay member place while that happens. So I’ve been joking that I’m now officially a member of the great and the good. Now all I’ve got to do is stay awake and keep my wits about me. 

    Have a wonderful holiday Wee Blonde. 


  • Hi Daloni & Everyone, You had quite a day then on Monday! After waiting all day, did you finally get your chemo? Maybe I missed it but couldn't find where you said whether or not it had been given to you! As I've said before, why is nothing simple for us?

    I had been looking at the "getting involved" page but most of the panels, groups for patients etc are in England! Good luck, I'm sure you will be a valued member of the Panel and will speak for us all!

    Wee Blondie, hi, I hope you have a great holiday. Can I ask you who you got Travel Insurance with for your cruise please. I have been with Eurotunnel.com for three or four years now but this year they have decided not to insure Cruises! We had a lovely Cruise and Stay holiday last October and we're hoping to do a similar break this October! I've tried calling a few companies but because of my spinal surgery recently, some won't even give me a quote!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!