Feeling the cold

  • 58 replies
  • 43 subscribers

We have been very lucky with the weather here and I know I should not complain but it really makes you feel so much worse when you are cold. 

It's my down time in the meds cycle for my bloods so it's expected that I will feel tired but the cold seems to make it ten times worse. I can hardly motivate myself to move today. 

I am also still waiting to hear about my scan results (2 weeks) they said they were part reported last Friday but today they are still waiting. My positivity is waning a little but I know that is silly it is just a case of someone having time to read them. 

I was hoping to get some bulbs in the ground this week but called a halt to that yesterday when the snow arrived. I need to sort myself a little project for downtime. Any ideas welcome nothing expensive or illegal. 

I have already knitted my way through mine and the neighbours grandchildren. One had four grandchildren born this month and 2 expected in Feb. So 8 knits later I am taking a break. 

Now I have burdened you all with my pathetic moaning I will give myself a kick up the backside and get out there for some air, the snow is all gone I am just being a wimp. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Looking beautiful Daloni!!!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well all I can say is I paid £62 this week to have my hair done ( to be honest I had not expected it to be that much). So I hope my scans are good as I am not going back on the hard stuff until I get my money's worth.  My daughter has warned not to do a book with her as she would destroy it because I have left her and then she would be distraught once she realised what she had done .Nature of the beast however would mean she would have to destroy it to punish us both me for leaving and her for losing me. My daughter will know how to handle it though so she can accept and heal. Thankfully both the grandchildren know about God and eternal life so them knowing I have gone to heaven and we can meet again will help. We have some very interesting conversations on the subject children never cease to amaze you with the questions they ask. 

    I keep thinking it will be fine once I have the results but you really just want to hear the good stuff if they say "you need an earlier appointment" then my heart will sink whilst still making myself believe nothing is wrong it's just red tape and more waiting.

    Take care and the hair looks fine. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Ah Maz. What a tightrope we walk. I read a post recently in another group - it was highlighted by another of the community champs - and I found it very helpful. It described the journey we are on (ok, so far so cliched) as like driving a road. We need to glance at our rear mirrors from time to time but spend too long looking at the past and we crash. We need to look at the horizon and what’s coming up ahead from time to time but focus too much on the future and we crash. We need to focus most of our attention most of the time on the road in front of us if we are to stay on the road.  In other words, stay in the day. 

    I am very moved by the situation with your grand daughter. Your daughter sounds like a wise and strong woman. 

    Enjoy your hairdo. It had better be good for that much money! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Yes I hate going to the hairdressers I would rather go to the dentist. But I wanted a change of something and so I the hair was targeted, no mails they crumbled last week. It turned out nothing like I expected or asked for but my husband and my friends say it suits me and they liked it. That is about as good as it gets these days so I will take it as money well spent but I will go somewhere cheaper next time. I only went there as they were advertising 35% of this week would have been about £100 without the offer I cannot believe people pay that. 

    Live and learn. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Maz. You’re worth it. Xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maz,  I hope you don't mind me jumping in to reply to your post but it really struck a cord with me. Like you I am on down time in my meds cycle and am feeling the cold and tiredness. It is so hard to get up and go when your body refuses to listen. I have a head full of ideas for things to do during the day but unfortunately a cattle prod wouldn't get me moving at the moment.

     I am due to have 10 sessions of radiotherapy starting on the 28th and am feeling sorry for myself. I have developed low back pain that is radiating down my leg and is not responding to tablets, so I am feeling wimpish and at odds with myself. 

    Please don't feel you are moaning or burdensome because the opposite is true. I find it helpful because it lets me know that I am not alone with my feelings, and that it is natural to have negative days when you are fighting this horrible disease. 

    On a more positive note, I think it is great to try a hobby or two. I make cards and jewellery when I feel up to it which is enjoyable. Recently I have been putting photographs in mirrors which have turned out lovely. You can google the technique on You Tube to see if appeals to you.

    Hope you feel better soon and your results are good.

    Take care.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So lovely. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni,

    I love your haircut, it really suits you. I have just had a pixie cut after years of wearing my hair in a long bob, and I am loving it. So much easier to manage when you are on the move with appointments etc. I am also a lazy bones of late so the decision was an easy one.


  • Hi Everyone, Daloni I really think you suit short hair and with that cheeky glint in your eye, your personality comes out! If you've posted about your hospice visit, I can't find it. Maybe you're leaving it for a day or two!      Elanor I love that pixie cut too. My last haircut was ment to be for going into hospital but I think I'll need it cut again before then as she didn't cut it short enough! Please get your GP or Oncologist to check where the back pain is coming from and get them to sort it!

    TVman the orthopaedic consultant told me, pains in the legs came from the spine and pains in the hands and arms came from the neck. I thought they were all coming from my spine but he proved me wrong after taking an X-ray and informed me I also have Spondolitis in my neck! The surprises just keep coming!

    Maz, Is your oncologist like mine and won't give you results over the phone? It's so annoying knowing they have them but you don't know yet! I'm assuming if it was bad news, they'd contact you, so I'm hoping no news is good news!  Well I've had a terrible couple of days and it seems to get harder saying "yes I'm fine" and smiling. I used to be so very active and sometimes it's harder than others not to be able to do much. Just ignore me folks, I think I just need our holiday away from this cold for a bit! Night night, off to do some jigsaws then read my Kindle for a while!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!