Still going

  • 3 replies
  • 23 subscribers
  • Not posted for a long time, but after being given three months to live. I think it’s getting on for three years , at present living on my own in a 1 bedroom flat , looking after me and flat. 
    Get caregivers in twice a day for a hour, keep my family happy. The care team come in after talking things through with their boss, make a cup of coffee sit down and talk to me. At present I can do the washing up, look after myself etc. But being here all day is quite frustrating, working quite good, at times they find it hard to just sit and talk , it’s a shame that the job doesn’t attract more men 
  • My last scan showed the main site is now classed as inactive, but a still got another site remaining inactive as well. Apparently where that one sits when it becomes active it’s good night. 

  • The really good news is I’ve seen my youngest get married and was able to give her away. 
    plus a I’ve got my six grandchild, he’s is brilliant and got to give him a bottle and get his wind up. My kids and grandchildren are what gives me a reason to keep fighting. 
    yes the cancer has changed my life so much , but started my new book of life with all the kids and grandchildren having the first chapter. 
    Like I said losing it all that memories is hard, but starting my new book has helped. 
    Still taking a lot of pills, walk with a stick, but is the new me. 

  • All I would say to anybody on their journey or just starting, there’s some light at ends of all our journeys. Medical professionals out on their journeys dealing with this disease, must be horrible for them , when they think they’ve got some answers treatment plans etc, they get kicked in the groin with it doing something else. 
    My consultant could believe it when I walked into his office for my last appointment.
  • But to me and my profession as a Technician you have a problem you cure with one diagnosis, next week a car presented with the same symptoms, you go yes doing this will cure it, but it doesn’t so you’ll have to start again. Went working in the garage I had my book of customers symptoms and my fixes.
  • Now I’ve started my cancer journey book from the eyes of a patient, it comes from getting customers with a unusual problem to write down when it occurred, in morning, weather etc. 
  • I really hope this helps us all from starting your journey or living with your new friend ( cancer) 

All the best 
