
  • 6 replies
  • 29 subscribers

This is very hard, but I’ve had a terrible few days. I don’t know where to turn.

i am 34 and got married in June last year. In Feb I was diagnosed with kidney cancer and had a radical nephrectomy on March 4th.

As much as my surgeon anticipates treatment will be curative I am agonising about it coming back and I am harming myself my googling and catastrophising.

I have even paid for a consultation with a dermatologist because I’ve convinced myself a mole on my face is skin cancer.

when does this get better? How can I get better?

It is affecting my mental health to the point where I fell I cannot go on. My Husband is trying his best but this is really taking its toll on my marriage.

please help me xxx

  • Hi and welcome to our little corner of the Community and it's good that you have found us as there is a lot of experience and help available.

    I think we all 'get' these thoughts and challenges.

    A little back story about me - I am 4 years 4 months and 22 days post my last treatment - not that I am counting. My treatment put me in remission for the first time back in Sep 2016 for the first time in 17 years from a type of Lymphoma that back in 1999 I was told "treatable but incurable and no remission would be available"

    I am under no illusions that my cancer will not come back and indeed I am very high up the 'at risk' list for skin cancer due to the treatments I had.

    But I refuse to let this define me, I have fought very hard to get to this point and I will left nothing take away the joy of seeing another new day.

    So how to move you forward?........ lets start with one of our most used tools, this great paper highlights the milestones in the post treatment recovery and healing. Make a cup of tea/coffee and have a good, honest look through it and come back to us with your thoughts and questions.

    You may want to put some information in your profile as this can help a lot. Click here to see how to add details as this helps everyone to see a little about you and how best to reply to you..... and you can see our stories by hitting our Community names.

    ((hugs)) from a distance

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Hi Mike

    Thank you for this post and the article.

    It’s given me great comfort xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarah,

    I can feel the fear in your words and I’m so sorry you are going through this. It’s anxious times at the moment for everybody and having the added anxiety of cancer feels unbearable. All I can suggest is be kind to yourself, do things you enjoy, look for some counselling and try to focus only on the things that are facts not speculation. (Easier said than done I know) Don’t let fear of the future steal your happiness today x x x x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Mariella

    Feeling better daily but I have my terrible days also

    I am grateful I’ve had my operation as I don’t think I would have had it been scheduled for next week. Feeling terrible for everyone who’s  left in limbo and having the agonising wait xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I can understand. I had a mastectomy in Jan. I was getting back on track but now corona virus has made my anxiety sky rocket. I’m convinced everybody I love is going to die. I have lived in a semi permanent state of fear since Nov diagnosis and that takes it toll. Try to hang on to the fact that the worst bit is over and the good days will get more frequent in time. I really try to tell myself it will pass. Do you do Headspace? They’re very good and offering it fee at the moment.

    M x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I am so sorry you’re going through this Mariella.

    Can I suggest a fantastic book which really helps? It’s called ‘Picking up the pieces. Moving forward after surviving cancer’. It’s by Sherri Magee and it is fantastic. Written by a Psychologist and has real survivor’s interviews (lots that had breast cancer).

    I think it would really help you.

    I have the app thank you!

    i hope you are keeping well and they’re not going to die!!!!!!! Xxx