How to really move on, not just fake it.

  • 4 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I am sitting on the sofa, feeling fat, sore, weak and suddenly old and ugly. My husband has been told by a sibling of his that he doesnt know what real stress is! I am in tears, so hurt and angry for my husband. How dare he say that to him! Along with dealing with my cancer last year, prognosis good but I'm in constant pain, we have been looking after his parents both in their 80s and half an hour away, also had problems and worries with our grown up kids, who doesnt? I am so upset! He lives abroad thankfully, so only a few days till he goes again, I might murder him, if I could physically manage it!!! What the hell has happened to me? I'm sad that I'm in this state instead of happy to be alive. What even??? Life is getting too hard. Sorry about the rant. Had counselling, support from macmillan and sarcoma uk, read loads about recovery, had reflexology, started going back to my old dance classes, struggling to keep up, I used to be so fit and agile, op last August and no chemo or radio just yet if ever. The last year has been awful. Will life ever get any better than this? Again, so sorry for the rant and thanks to replies from the past and my 'friends' here. You've been great! Sparky2  xxxxx

  • Hi again the post treatment survival book has yet to be written. This is such an individual part of cancer and as you are exerancing, other stuff continues on round about us and it does not lets us recover and get this new living thing in some order.

    ....but you are making steps in going back to your old dance class. I remember taking up my guitar after 5 years living with PN in my hands and it was good to get some sense of 'being' again.

    This is a safe place to rant but at the same time...... you may find that you will get challenged. You may have already looked through some of the threads - it's good to do that as you will understand that you are not alone in this.

    You said you were married in Cromarty - are you in the Highlands?


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike, thanks for reply. No we are in Cornwall! I love dolphins so we planned our marriage up there to spend time in Scotland generally, but Cromarty especially as the whale and dolphin conservation society was based there. This was 24 years ago by the way. We are planning to return either this year or next for our Silver Wedding Anniversary. Hope the meal was delicious! Sparky2 xxxx

  • Hi - the meal as always was amazing. It has only about 25 seats but the quality is great.

    Yes the Black Isle area is a beautiful. We have number of friends say in the area so we nip across and see them from time to time.

    We also have other friends who moved up from the South Coast over 10 years ago and as yet, have never seen one dolphin Joy

    If you come up do tell me as there are some great coffee shops around to sit and chat.

    And for those looking in this is what is 10 mins away from my house (not my photo)

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge