Feeling low

  • 5 replies
  • 30 subscribers


I have been in recovery for 20 months after having breast cancer. I am currently taking tamoxifen. I do have some side effects but lately I feel a bit low that I can’t seem to shake off. My mind feels anxious and I have unsettled sleep. 

I try and make time for myself but I end up thinking about all sorts of things and just feel exhausted.

Does anyone have any advise of how to help my mood.

Thanks in advance.

  • Good morning , the post treatment journey is such a mystery. I see that you have been posting in our very supportive Breast cancer group so you will see that this is a common challenge.

    You may have already seen the great paper as it does highlight the milestones in post treatment recovery..... and if you have seen it - have a look again as this did help me deal with some issues in my 4 years post my last treatment.

    This may not help, but you need to remember that you are in the early days post treatment - 20 months is not long in the recovery after a monumental life changing episode in your life...... and you are still on medication, so this does not help.

    I am now 4 years post treatments and yes, I still have days that I am exhausted, but they are becoming less and less.

    I found talking to people face to face who have been on the same journey can help a lot so check to see if you have any Local Macmillan Support in your area and look out for the 'HOPE' Course or even a 'Move More' Course in your area as just being with others who understand can help a lot.

    We have a local Maggie’s Centre and their "where now? course is excellent. Up in the Highlands where we are, people will do a 3-4 hour round trip just to do the course!!

    No real answers but a big ((hug)) coming your way.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Suzy

    I am 6 months into my post op recovery (had not thought about it like that before).

    For me I too am on Tamoxifen but don't seem to have suffered side effects, but am also on anti depressants, so I think part of my mind is "numbed" to things currently. 

    My "escape" is knitting and reading, especially reading it really helps me.  Do you have a past time you enjoy?



     Never Give Up
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Thank- you for your reply. I think because people go back to treating you as though you are ‘better’ it’s easy to forget that actually it hasn’t been long. I may look okay, but there’s a lot still going on inside. So thank-you for reminding me that it’s ok to feel this way. 

    I will look into the support groups as that’s what I feel I need, however I may now join in on the forums more often as it’s nice to chat to people in the same boat. 

    Thanks again, 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sara13

    Hi Sara,

    I do struggle a lot with the tamoxifen. It plays havoc with my moods plus many other side effects. I have thought  about anti depressants but not sure if I want to? 
    How do you find them? 

    I own my own hairdressers so I keep very busy with that. I do try and do lots of things for myself to keep myself occupied but sometimes I find when I get low these things go out the window and I end up feeling anxious and forget to put myself first. 
    I do go to the gym which I find helps a lot and I also spend a lot of time with family. 

    As I’m 32, a lot of my friends had children while I was going through my treatment so the dynamics have changed a lot. I have been trying to go out with new friends that I have made though. 

    Thanks for your reply xx 

  • Hi

    Might b worth you looking at the Anxiety buster thread posted by in the,kidney cancer group. Gives,u ideas of things to do.

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.