Fertility after non hodgkin's lymphoma (burkitts)

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  • 28 subscribers


I've been in remission for nearly a year yay! But me and my partner are querying trying for a child I unfortunately didnt get chance to freeze my eggs as there was no time.

I'm just wondering who's managed to conceive after receiving high intensity chemo. 

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi again this is great that you are looking to move life on in this way.

    Over the years I have talked with many folks in our Community Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Group (you have joined it) as well at my local Heamatology Clinic and Heamatology Support group.

    So lots of people who were in the same position as yourself and yes, some did successfully go on to have family.

    I think it does depend greatly on the amount and toxicity of both Chemo and Radiotherapy you will have had....... but talk with your team and push the doors and see what opens.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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