15weeks post treatment

  • 4 replies
  • 30 subscribers


Ive not been on for a while but my tests came back and everything was clear. 

Obviously we are all over the moon. 

I'm currently trying to find my normality and spend ages in the morning trying to get ready for the day.

Ive just realized that I'm spending all this time trying to hide the side effects of my cancer journey such as weight and hair loss so that when I meet people they're wont be any awkward moments when actually I should be is proud the correct word that I'm clear and still here. 

I also have a family member who is waiting for treatment to start and I feel enormous guilt and unsure of how to cope with this as I am trying hard not to visit my own thoughts is this the right way to cope or should I be acknowledging what ive been through as I thought I had and trying to move forward and feeling really selfish 

  • Hi Abrn,

    It’s really great news to read that your latest tests came back clear, that is fantastic news and should definitely be celebrated.

    With regards how you are feeling now, I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer. You are still relatively close to the end of treatment and in my experience it takes time to process a tumultuous event like a cancer diagnosis and treatment. I think you should have confidence to feel what you want to feel and not beat yourself up about it. I acknowledge the hiding things to avoid awkwardness, and I also acknowledge the importance of accepting what you have been through and being proud of the person you are. For me, it was different approaches to different situations - and not over-analyzing each one. I also understand the impact of another family member being diagnosed. One thing I have learned is that no two cancer journeys are the same - the treatments, the effects, the outcomes, they are all so different that I don’t think you need to project your experience on to someone else - their experience is unique to them as much as yours is to you. I think the best any of us can do is just treat people as unique individuals and respond to their unique needs as they present themselves.

    I hope this helps in some small way.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to greg777


    Thankyou for your reply and yes it does help. 

    I always tend to over think things anyway. 

    I understand that every journey is an individual's experience I just can't help feeling guilty because mine is done. 

    I suppose I'm still feeling a bit as if I want to hide away and forget about cancer altogether 

  • Hi Abrn,

    Glad it helped in some way. I think everyone is on their own unique path, sometimes those paths cross and we walk together for a bit, but soon enough, our own path will go in a different direction again. We can still reach out to support people while still acknowledging that it’s important to focus on our own paths as well. No one can be expected to walk someone else’s path. I think one of the most important things is to treat others with compassion, but treat ourselves with compassion too.


  • When the treatment is over the temptation is to think and wish it’s all over. No need to feel guilty but you can’t help or change how you feel.

    You have to get used to a new normal and that is allowing yourself to come to terms with what you’ve been through. Processing it can be helped by talking to others who’ve been through it. Maggie’s were excellent for me.

    don’t be too hard on yourself x