It just hit me

  • 7 replies
  • 30 subscribers

I have returned to work full time, now in my second week of working back in the office.

I have been putting on a brave face and doing best to get back to normal of doing my job.

Part of my job is having to chase outstanding monies for the company, none of which was done when I was off.  I rang a customer today who asked why it had not been chased before, so I thought I'm not taking the blame for no one doing this, so I said "I've been off with Cancer".  He was so lovely and kind and it just really hit home that I had Cancer, something I think I have been in denial for since it happened as it all happened so quickly from discoving it to op then radiotherapy.

  • First ((hugs))

    For a lot of folks trying to move on post treatment a lot of energy is actually used..... possibly wasted, trying to put the whole cancer rubbish journey behind us.........but it did happen and from talking with lots of people the ones who seem to move on quicker are the people that embrace the reality that a cancer journey has happened and go on to take control of working out life and tend to move on more effectively...... this does takes time, courage, determination and a few tears....... but doing this does move things in a more positive direction.

    Well done being honest with the person and this is an amazing positive step - well done xx

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike, 

    I tried to explain to a friend and she said "You had cancer. You were away from life for a bit. Your still here Heart"

    While I understand her point and I am doing what I is perceived to be getting on with life I do feel I need to accept that it happened. 

    I really do believe unless you have gone physically through it you can't fully understand. 

     Never Give Up
  • It's interesting to listen to folks way of talking about cancer especially if they don't have first hand experience xx

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • I had and still do have an overwhelming feeling of just wanting to pop into Maggie’s I don't know why I just feel they'd "get it".

     Never Give Up
  • I came through all my treatment rather well mentally....... but a few years on I lost a few close friends to cancer and I found myself asking "why did I survive?" and developed 'survivors guilt'......... it was the Maggie's Team that helped me overcome these thoughts...... now I help out supporting others at Maggie's.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • I can relate to the "survivors guilt" a close friend of mine passed away last month from Cancer.

    I was contacted by Maggies this week about a Mindfulness taster course they are running, initially I said wasn't sure as I will have to use annual holiday to do the course. But for my wellbeing I think it may be beneficial. 

     Never Give Up
  • I would talk with your boss about why you want to do the course as in the long run both you and the business will see the benefits x

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge