Weekends Are Hard

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all,

Another member and myself (in a private message) find the weekends hard.

I can't explain and I don't know why. I don't bother the doctors or the hospital or anything medical, in fact, I avoid them.

I feel a sense of panic and worry and I find myself panicking (again) over every ache, pain, scratch or itch, during the week I am okay.

I was wondering if other people are the same.

Anyway, saying that about the weekend, I hope you all enjoy yours. And hopefully it will stop raining.

With kindness and love,

  • Weekends Lisa?

    Over the years I have spent many many weekends in hospital in isolation - so for me, it's all about how I now view them and view life.

    Weekends are now a time to catch up with family and friends, to go have a good coffee, walk a beach or at this time of the year catch the beauty that surrounds us, like walk in a Loch and a forest.


    December 2013 I was told that if my treatment plan did not work I had 30 months............I am now 3 years 6 months past that alarm bell, given a chance to grab this living thing and do my very best to enjoy it......... I have no Idea what tomorrow will bring.

    Yes to aches, pains and a small lump I once convinced myself that it keeps on growing........... but it does not and its not something that is a problem........but its all about how I position myself how I view these issues. If we all had not had cancer would we have seen these issues as a problem?

    When I get bad infections I don't like weekends as this is not the best time to be in hospital.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember

    Hello Lisa, 

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I too find weekends lonely. I am past my 100 day recovery from a bone marrow transplant to treat leukemia. Most of that time was spent away from any normal activities and avoiding large crowds. Now that I have gotten into the habit of staying away from situations where I could contract a virus, I realize I have isolated myself even more. 

    My friends and family visit and check in however it’s not the same as living the active lifestyle I am used to. I still am restricted from crowds, work, and most activities. However I can drive and go out briefly as long as I wear a mask. 

    I set the goal for myself to start planning something fun to do that will get me out of the house each weekend. I don’t want to dwell on the past and get stuck in the worries of the past year. I cannot change any of the trauma that has happened from treatment but I appreciate that I am alive and I know that things will get better with time. 

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend and finding some peace and happiness. 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to you also.

    100 days post Stem Cell Transplant - well done......... I am just over 4 years post my second Allo SCT with cells from my brother.

    What you are going through I totally get........ I had a blanket ban for one year from being in any crowds following my second Allo. This was very hard work mentally but it was all about keeping the greater good in the forefront of my mind.

    We do actually have a dedicated Stem cell transplants for blood cancers group where you can talk with other who understand what you are going through.

    Just follow the link above, hit ‘Join the Group’ tab just under the main group name, then go to the 'Start a Discussion' tab and set up your own Discussion and introduce yourself to the group.

    You may find the threads below to be a useful insight to the post SCT journey.

    Life after a SCT - A Survivor's Guide

    Late effects and problems

    I see that you have completed your profile and you can see our stories by hitting our forum names.

    I will keep an eye open for you if you want to join us.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Syates,

    Thank you for your lovely message. (I don’t log in every day).

     Well done, 100 days past recovery from a gruelling bone marrow transplant. I had my chemo and radiotherapy 4 years ago and I still keep away from crowds, simply because I didn’t like crowds before, ha, ha, ha.

    The week days/nights aren’t too bad but the weekends for some unknown reason get on my nerves. And the days and nights seem longer on the weekend too.

    Mike (the mad Highlander (I mean that in the nicest possible way)), made me feel better about weekends. But I still don’t like them.

    Sorry, I am not much use but I wish you every success and get better and stronger and hopefully we will all find a way to enjoy the weekends.

    Much love,

