Scanxiety and medication review text from GP

  • 5 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi all Slight smile

I recently finished chemotherapy and have had scans for which I am due the results in few days. Usually the period between a scan and receiving its results I get few psychosomatic symptoms that I have been having the last few days as I am waiting for the results. I was wondering if others get these too? 

Also today I have received a text from my GP to call them to arrange an appointment for medication review which really scared me. I have not been given any medication from my GP while on cancer treatment and this worried me a lot. I think it may be an end of treatment review as I will now be under their care and not under the care of my oncologist but was hoping someone with a similar experience could advise. 

Many thanks for your time! Sunflower

  • FormerMember

    I'd like to welcome to the online community and although I'm very sorry that your journey has brought you to us but I'm so pleased that you've reached out to us at this time

    Your first question I'm leaving for others who may have more knowledge than I have to answer and hope that is okay with you.

    Your second question about medication review I wouldn't worry too much about it, it could be that the hospital have sent over a list of drugs they want you take and your GP just wants to go over them with you so that you fully understand what they are for and when to take them.

    Make your appointment and see what doctor has to say and try not to worry.

    Now that you're are member of this group you are welcome at anytime to come along and start a new discussion, ask questions or have a chat you'll find everyone very friendly and supportive and will give you any advice you need.

    If you don't get any responses to your first question you can simply repost it to our Ask a Nurse page and one of the nurses will try and help you and give you advice.

    Look to the bright side if your GP has received a letter from the hospital you know he has read it and acted on it quickly to give you continuance of care.

    Anytime you have a question please do come back in our door is always open just walk in and make yourself at home you'll be amongst friends who will share their experiences with you


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Bodach,

    Thank you so much for your reply! I will follow your advice and try not to worry. I am meeting my GP next week so I should soon know what the appointment is about. Many thanks for the ask a nurse link too, looks like a useful tool that I will definitely use. 

    Many thanks! Sunflower

  • Hi  and a second welcome to the Online Community.

    Great help from my friend Ian and yes, a medication review, is that - a review of your medication.

    Please don't read in to this and get yourself stressed. Over my 20 years this is normal and actually reassuring. I go to my GP every few months to review how things are going and review my meds. I find it very reassuring to know that I am being looked after and getting the medication I need and more importantly - taken off medication that I no longer need.

    Scanxiety is a real thing!........ when that CT letter comes in your mind will trigger the "what if's" loud and clear. Yes you may well start to put 2 + 2 and get 5 with regards to physical issues you think you are having. Over my many years I have had a lest one scan a year, often more and have come to the conclusion that I have no control over these..... I have had lots of negative scans.....but also the "I am sorry to say...." moments but we just have to deal with it.

    This is a great article if found about Scanxiaty

    We do have lots of support groups that are Cancer specific  and also ones that are general Cancer experience  groups so have a look round.


    What Is Scanxiety and How Can You Manage It?

    February 26, 2018 - Choose Hope

    The first time you read or hear it, “scanxiety” may look and sound like a funny word. However, when you are going through it, there is nothing funny about this very real condition. From the first MRI following a doctor’s suspicious discovery during a routine exam to the annual PET scan years after an initial diagnosis, the fear and worry that accompanies imaging appointments can take a significant toll on your emotional and mental wellbeing.

    Fortunately, you can take steps to minimise and cope with the sometimes-overwhelming emotions you feel.

    Acknowledge your Feelings

    Don’t try to ignore the way you feel, as this can actually increase your anxiety. Instead, recognise and even embrace your scanxiety. This first step empowers you to take action, move forward and manage your emotions, helping you find peace and feel more in control of your own life.

    Talk about It to the Right People

    Venting your fears and frustrations to people close to you can be a wonderful way to release stress and gain vital support. However, if you have folks in your life who tend to exacerbate your worries or load you up with even more concerns (and really, who doesn’t have that one friend or family member?), avoid sharing too much with them.

    Practice Mindful Living

    Ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” Look for ways to live in the moment. Hug your little boy and inhale deeply, noting the mingled fragrance of fresh earth and shampoo. Stroke your husband’s face and think about the way his soft stubble brushes your hand. Savour a particularly flavourful meal. Relish in the here and now.

    Distract Yourself

    Find ways to take your mind off the upcoming scan, at least for a while. Dig into a novel or binge watch a series that completely engrosses you. Turn up your favourite music and tackle a chore you’ve been putting off for too long. Hang out with that one friend who has a gift for making you guffaw. Schedule some time to enjoy your favourite hobby without interruption. If you have trouble letting go, imagine setting your worries in a “to do later” box and tell yourself you can pick them up when you’re done.

    Ask Questions

    Sometimes, the unknown is the greatest instigator of anxiety. If you are unclear about anything –from what to expect during the scan, to when and how you can expect to receive your results, to what those results might mean– don’t be afraid to ask your doctor. Having a well-defined understanding of what you will or might experience allows you to be better prepared and can even ease your mind.

    Plan for the Worst Outcome…

    Along with knowing what could possibly come of your scan, creating a strategy for the worst case scenario can improve your sense of control. By no means should this be perceived as giving up or being resigning yourself to bad news. Cancer can make you feel powerless, but creating a basic action plan just in case can help  you regain your power as well as your optimism.

    …but Visualise the Best

    Your mind is more powerful than you might realise. Visualisation and guided imagery have been shown to improve your mood, control symptoms or side effects and even boost your immune system. Imagine yourself receiving great news after your scan. Allow yourself to experience the feelings of relief, gratitude and elation. Think about these things as though you are remembering them. Seeing it in your mind’s eye can give you the encouragement you need to overcome your scanxiety.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Hi The Highlander,

    Thank you so much for the reply, it is very helpful knowing that there are people that understand the way you feel. I have seen my oncologist and the results of my scans and test were all fine thankfully. The article is very accurate and was a great read, will definitely use the tips in the future as I am pretty sure with the next scans the feelings will come back.

    Apologies for not explaining it better in my initial post, I am not on any medication at the moment and the appointment request from my GP when awaiting scan results made me think that there was something wrong with them and my GP got the news before me. I am still unsure of what the appointment is about and my oncologist was surprised too and did not have a clue what it may be in regards to. I will see him tomorrow and my questions will be answered, however the timing was really bad and it really added to my anxiety for my results.

    Thank you again for your reply!

    Best wishes,

    El Mar

  • Congratulations on your good scan results - a celebration is in order, well, we always had one as it was a good excuse.

    Yes, the 'system' can indeed make things confusing and as a result ramp up the stress levels. During my long treatments I did have GP appointments come in that were not arranged by me. But my amazing GP (now retired) was just wanting to keep in contact with me and find out what was going on. My treatment journey was rather long and complicated and very often he did not receive updates from my hospital team so he just wanted to have a chat....... that often went onto talk about his croft and this roof he wanted me to give him advice on...... mind you this conversation has been going on for years lol

    Good that you found the article useful, does it get easier over the years?, I would say yes.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge