Follow up Appointments with Oncologist

  • 1 reply
  • 29 subscribers

I wonder if anybody on this site can advise please?  I was treated for Cervical Cancer from August - October 2018.  On the 5th February this year I was told that I was in remission. I had a follow up appointment after having an MRI and all was good.  I have another follow up appointment in two weeks time and wonder, as I haven't had an MRI lately and the cab fare is £50, is there any reason to keep this appointment?  I was originally told that every three months I'd have an MRI and then an appointment with an Oncologist.  Do you think I slipped through the net with regards to the MRI? 

  • Hi

    Having just read your post in this group I think it might be a good idea to also post this in the cervical cancer group, which I see you've joined and posted in previously. I'm sure the ladies in that group will be able to tell you about their experiences with follow-up appointments.


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