Depression has hit and hit hard.

  • 5 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Blimey, i’ll Try and make this as short as I can so as not to bore you. I’ve always suffered from depression and anxiety but with medication have powered through. Three years ago I was diagnosed with bowel cancer. It had finally happened, my worst fear was facing me. Cancer. The one thing that I’d feared all of my life and now I was faced with it. I don’t know what happened that day but something inside me clicked. I had the tumour removed, my bowel split open, was rushed back into theatre, had a stoma bag put in place and ended up with blood poisoning. 6 weeks in hospital recovering and went down to 5 and half stone. 6 months chemo, it then spread to ovaries, complete hysterectomy, it then spread to lymph nodes, 6 more months of chemo. I then had a ten hour op to reverse bag and remove abdominal lining. In September 2018 I was given the all clear and have been for 9 months. But do you know what, even though this was the one biggest fear for all my life, I smashed it out the park and did all of it with a smile on my face. Until 6 weeks ago I plummeted into the depths of depression. Out of nowhere my antidepressants stopped working, my anxiety has shot through the roof and instead of celebrating life to its fullest I just wait every 3 months for that next scan, for them to tell me the cancers back, that this time there be nothing they can do. I’ve lost all my strength I once had and have become a former shadow of myself. I feel like even though I beat the cancer, it won anyway.

  • I'm sorry to hear you've powered through all this  only to be hit by depression.

    It reminds me of ppl who  get weekend migraines, ie once the pressure's  off, then  they get the headache .

    Have u  spoken to  your GP about this, especially if u feel the meds aren't working?

    It might b worth u  ringing the helpline.?

    They're  open 8:till 8, so you'll just have to put up with us rabitting instead for now. Tho u can email them as well.

    Meantime a community champion will probably be in touch shortly. I'm just another member who happened to c your post.

    The fact you've got in touch here is a good sign as you'll encounter other folk feeling similarly to yourself., eg there's a bowel cancer group ..

    Take care.

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • Hi Teddycottis,

    I’m really sorry to read about what you’re going through. Depression and anxiety have been the worst aspects of this whole experience for me, probably worse than any other aspect, so I am really feeling for you.

    I wondered if you’ve ever spoken with a counselor/psychologist? When I read your note, it reminded me of myself - my psychologist helped me to see I had a fast-forwarding / catastrophising mindset (ie, always looking for the worst to happen and imaging it was about to happen). I think for me it was to do with control - ie, wanting to know what will happen to me, so I could prepare for it. It makes sense that when in the middle of the treatment, your mind is focused on the here and now, because you have to deal with stuff now, not at some imagined future date. 

    The trick I learned (and it took a lot of time and hard work) is to switch that future brain off and stay in the moment - focus on what I am experiencing right now and take pleasure in it, whatever it may be. Then let the future be what it wants to be.

    Apologies if this is wide of the mark. I saw your post and it reminded me of some of the feelings and thoughts I have had.

    Hope this helps


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to buttercup01

    Hi there, 

                 Yes I’ve spoken to my GP and was referred to a mental health team. They bought me off my anti depressants which gave me horrendous withdrawal symptoms and my anxiety and depression worsened. I am now officially in the mental health system and there playing around with various meds and talking therapy. But unfortunately all of this takes so much time and a lot of strength on my part which I used all up fighting the cancer. Sorry to sound so miserable, just having a particularly bad day. I’m sure in time things will improve xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to greg777

    Hi Greg,

               I’m currently under the mental health team and there trying to sort me out. Like yourself I’ve always liked to be in control but fear, depression, anxiety, cancer takes all that away. I feel like I’m driving a car with no brakes. I’m sure within time with the right treatment all will come good but for now i’ll Just have to sit tight and hope and pray for the best. Xxx

  • Hi Teddycottis,

    It’s good news that you are under the care of a mental health team, those people are great and have a really deep understanding of how the mind works. I found the talking therapy really helped, it definitely isn’t a silver bullet but it did allow me a safe space to explore my thoughts and emotions and try to make sense of them. I have mixed feelings about medication. There was definitely a time I needed it, if only just to force me to chill out, but I found the effects wore off over time and the withdrawal symptoms were horrendous so since I got myself better, I’m keen to avoid going back on them. But I’d like to think I’d be honest with myself if I needed them again.

    You’ve got to do what’s right for you and treat the brain just like any other part of your body (ie, look after it). What that means for you will likely be unique to you, but the mental health teams will help you find what’s right. I’m really hoping you find some good progress soon and please stick around to let us know how you’re getting on.
