Bowel cancer post op problems

  • 5 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi everyone x I was diagnosed with bowel cancer in March 2019, I had part of my bowel removed on 24th April, I am now 4 weeks post op. Still in pain, but can feel it is improving daily. I have gone from 8.2 down to 7.2 in weight. My appetite is zero, my bowel movements are all over the place, mainly dirhorea, I am needing to go to the toilet 15 times a day, and also waking up during the night 2 or 3 times. My skin from top to toe has gone so very dry, and I have lost muscle. I'm booked in with a dietitian next week, and I see my consultant. I'm just wondering if anyone else has similar problems after major op for bowel cancer. The best news is, the biopsi results  have come back and is showing all the cancer as been taken away, so I should be so grateful, but I feel to down and exhausted to rejoice at the moment xxx

  • Hi , I had a diffrent cncer journey but yes full of post treatment challenges.

    I see you did join the Bowel (colon and rectum) cancer forum. It may also be worth putting this post up in there as some folks do stick around after treatments.

    All the best. 

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi pollylilly that's great news that your beastie is gone. I'm just a little ahead of you I had my op 28th Feb with temporary ileostomy. Also got the good news that my beastie was successfully removed. I felt exactly like you very down I was a totally different person crying at the drop of a hat. I think it's the effects of major bowel surgery the bowel doesn't like to be rummaged around. I lost weight too but after about 6 weeks I started to feel a tiny bit better an it's got better by the week although I feel more tired than before. Try to keep eating little and often white foods ,rice pasta potatoes and cake ! Best wishes that you feel better as the days go on. Vanessa x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Plymgirl

    Hi Vanessa, thank you for replying, I'm sat here so down at the moment, iv been to the toilet 22 times since 6am this morning, each time, it's just a tiny piece of mushy waste, but feels so heavy while I am sat there, it is making me feel so exhausted. I'm just under 2 weeks to get to your place, and I really hope I start to feel better, I feel more confident after reading your message Vanessa, it is so good that people know have been on the same journey understand where you are. Thank you again Vanessa xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Thank you Mike, it's so reassuring when you can let out how you are feeling, and get advice, or just kind words when you feel low, xxx

  • , well done for getting through the operation, and great news that it was successful. Sorry you are having such horrible after effects. I am 2 years post treatment, and was given the all clear in April. I had the opposite of your experience-constipation. 

    Have you seen your GP? It sounds to me that you are becoming dehydrated with the diarrhoea. You could do with drinking some Dioralyte to replace salts and fluids. You could also do with some Fortisip or similar to give you some calories and vitamins. The consultant will probably give you something for the diarrhoea. Have you phoned your specialust nurse or key worker for advice? This would help. If you continue to feel so ill over the bank holiday it might be best to phone 111. Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon.

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!