PET Scan

  • 6 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Do you only get Pet Scan if they suspect you may have cancer? I’m worried my cancer may have come back some where else. I had breast cancer in 2014 had an operation, radiotherapy and meds, I recently had a cat scan on my lungs and heart and got a phone call from hospital saying I had to have a pet scan I asked why but they said because your doctor wants you to have one? So I went and I was shocked because the unit I had to have scan was a cancer unit so I’m worrying now thinking my cancer has come back I just don’t know what to think I don’t understand I feel confused love Yvonne xx

  • Good morning Yvonne

    PET scans are used during many types of medical investigations - have a look at the NHS Link below.

    Equipment and even wards are used for multiply purposes so yes I understand the shock in being in a cancer department but I would not put 2+2 and get 5......... If you are really concerned phone and ask your medical team.

    I was in a few years back with an infection post my Lymphoma treatment and was transferred from admissions thinking I would end up in Heamatology........ no, ended up in a surgical ward where the other 5 men had one or both legs off...... one man came rolling up and said “so what one are they taking off?”

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi my lovely thank you so much for your help love Yvonne xx

  • Hi my husband and I went to hospital today to get my pet scan results we were so shocked, doctor said “I’ve got a small nodule on my left lung and it’s too small to do a biopsy on so in July we will send you for another scan and if the nodule has grown then it’s Cancer but if it hasn’t grown then it’s not cancer” doctor has given me a lot of new medication and changed my medication I take for my copd . My poor hubby Steve and my daughter Louise is in bits but I’m not? It doesn’t bother me? I don’t know how I feel or what I’m feeling? Or how should I feel? Love Yvonne xxxx

  • Hi Yvonne , sorry to hear that you are not left in limbo until July :( 

    About three years ago I was on the CT Table ready for a lung biopsy as I.had a new nodule appear and was Ickes up in a regular CT a few weeks before. I was 3 months post my Second Stem Cell Transplant and they were convinced it was a new type of cancer.

    The surgeon did a pre-opp CT and after a few minutes came back to say that it had reduced in size and could not be biopsied - go away.

    My Respiratory Consultant came up to the ward to see me (he actually is a very good friend). He said that he had no idea what it was but we would keep an eye on it. So I have had a CT every year and it has not changed much in this time.

    We have no idea what it is and only a biopsy would tell us but it looks like it does not want to get a needle into itself so is keeping a low profile LOL

    Its not great not knowing what it is but I am still happy that it is not a problem and if it does become an issue I will just have to go on the treatment treadmill once again.

    These bodies make this living thing hard work at times but from my 20 years experience - all worry in the world will make no real difference to what the nodule decides to do...... but worry and stress will tend to make life just that more harder, so concentrate on the good stuff around you, celebrate life and deal with the CT when it comes xx

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you so very much for all your help and support my lovely love Yvonne xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Yvonne17

    Hi Yvonne just reassure you, I had a lung nodule that was picked up on a CT scan - it shrank during chemo so I had a PET scan where it showed up as “hot”, so it seemed to point to cancer (because it had responded to my chemotherapy).  It was too small to biopsy.  As I have a not very treatable kind of ovarian cancer I had keyhole surgery to remove it as they wanted to treat everything very aggressively.  Anyway it was an old abscess from an infection, nothing cancerous at all. I can’t even remember having a lung infection!

    so please try not to worry - scans often pick these things up as they are so sensitive these days but they are often nothing. 

    Sending you you my very best wishes xxx