Adult dateing , rebuilding a shattered life

  • 9 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi just got here,after a ye@r of anal cancer I am trying to rebuild my adult life , and finding this site disappointing , hard to use, please help me ch@nge my mind, I want to post photos , quality ,honest bio, my location , search engine might be handy, trying to have fun for the summer ,fed up hearing about what’s wrong, wanna talk about what’s possible, and go and enjoy these sunn6 days

  • Hi again

    I'm sorry to hear that you're finding the site disappointing and hard to navigate and I'll try and answer your questions here.

    If you want to add a photo to your profile click on your username in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Then click on 'Edit Profile' in 'Profile Settings' and then 'Change' on the current avatar. This will then give you the ability to upload a photo. 

    I see that you have already updated your profile but if you want to change anything then again click on your username and then choose 'Edit Profile'. To protect your identity details of your location, etc shouldn't be added. 

    At the top of each page there is a search box so if you're looking for information just type in what you're looking for and, if the site holds the information, a list of suggestions should come up.

    Hopefully, I've answered your questions but if there's anything else I can try and help you with just reply to this message.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Eventually navigated back to you, it’s a chore on ere, thanks I can now get to change my ? Avatar? And use my own pic except that it don’t stick, let me guess check back in an hour  thanks for being there sos I sound grumpy but I think it’s your site  i

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You can't change your photo on the mobile site. You have to go to the main website on a laptop. This is the easiest way to do it. I wish there was a Macmillan app as I think this makes the forums much easier to navigate on a smartphone which is essentially what everyone uses. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi magsarama

    thanks for getting back to me I found a guy called jimmy a moderator,,man and sent him a pic that’s a first for this boy, haha it’s next to my pretend name now,,,check it out for me,,,an app for the site would be a step in the right direction, also a web developer to take this site out of the eightys , steady David {that’s my real name} I’m an artist silver smith , can you figure out ammer now, ha ha  this site should be the most useful site in uk to me , I had radio therapy worked at high strength but after being in remission  for 4 months am now back on chemo for lymph’s, sorry but this ain’t the stuff I want to discuss , I’ve got a doctor for that and I’m fed up wiith all the good advice,if I wanted to talk or ask about stuff it might be good and the groups helpful, but the messaging is clumsy and slow,

    and so if my doctors got my health,and things like benifits and financial advice Macmillan seem brill at , and the advice lines excellent forwarding post to specialist advisors ,,thanks  so what does that leave oh my emotional health, well hacking thru this ain’t helping lol

    well where am I at ,I’m looking for friends to date go out with to help me rebuild my adult life that ended two weeks into radiotherapy when my wife left because she was scared and had a history of family cancers,the radio therapy has taken some time to recover from but ok now, summers coming don’t want to spend it alone , want to make friends that are more concerned with what we can do with these days and are focused on making today count 

    this site dosent seem to be to keen about this sort of stuff, no where to put a descriptive bio ,intro, pictures , no indication of geographic locality ,no search systems , instant messageing would be nice for some people, in general I find your site rather to protective, and some of us would rather not be,life is a bit risky that’s part of the fun,

    I notice you’ve opened recently a gay lounge well done shame it’s empty,wonder why, 

    there seem to be a lot of restrictions on what can be discussed

    it would be nice to find a place to relax and find some friends who are cancer conscious but not cancer scared ,it would be nice to meet someone relatively local

    sorry it’s turned into a long mail, but I think some one should say, if this thread is not for you I would be grateful if you could find a way to forward this thru

    thanks  ammer

    ps I hope this post is comeing to you , but if it goes site wide opps this sites clumsy and I ain’t so brill , but anyone is welcome to reply thanks

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello, there,

    I think this is a good thing that we all need, rather than being, now get on with it, 

    I struggle each day, no one to talk yo who can understand, ,

    Sorry it's short no energy, 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I just thought I'd say that if you request the desktop version of this website on your smartphone, it works like it would do on a laptop, which you may find easier for doing things that you cant on the mobile website. Like you I use my phone more often than not! Haha. I hope this helps a little, 

    Lots of love, 

    Alex xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Ah thank you. How do I do that?!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    which phone are you using? 

    On my Samsung, I click on the internet options and then click on 'desktop site'. (The 3 lines icon at the bottom of the internet page, on the far right) 

    I think it was the same for when I had my iPhone, but let me just double check for you. I've had a look, and theres a quicker way to do it on iPhone (wish I'd have known that for the 6 years I had one! Haha) 

    And here is the iPhone version getting of desktop site; 

    1. Visit the site in Safari.
    2. Tap and hold the Refresh button in the URL bar.
    3. Tap Request Desktop Site.

    4. The website will then reload as its desktop version

    Let me know if it works! 

    Lots of love, 

    Alex xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Carrie

                 Thanks for the reply believe it or not your the first to speak to me since I posted this , Jimmy the moderator sent me a formal mail  telling me that this is not the place to be disscusing dating sex or drugs or anything else and no iffy words ,well I’m quite pc in a pirate sort of way my morals are high ,,,,,so is the rest of me most of the time,,,,haha reading between the lines don’t want to upset anyone,,,

    so ive had some disasters dating joined a site for people with cancer turned out to be for people who have their birthday in cancer haha

    e harmony are a joke sent me people all over England in three months only half a dozen within 20miles and all of them non smokers who won’t tolerate any smoke it never mind the contents of your pipe Holland and Barrett green herbal.  Haha. 

    And a few other wasted pounds on messages to girls who find the cancer and smoke problems too much

    so I’ve come up with a creative artistic answer...and formed a support group for local families with difficult and complex problems who’s children have not got a holiday away and who’s parents cancelled date night ages ago ...universal credit seems to have that effect on couples,,,, we’re going to be a pirate group who go away often to help at pirate festivals collecting for charity and partying away from home and also a weekly meet for supper club which is a romantic dinner and entertainment ,,, watch this space ,, I’m going to find my princess and run away to sea,,,,,,, thanks for replying hope you like this message and I hear from you again

    Captain Ammerand

    aka David

    have a good day ,,,laters Dee