Parastomal hernia repair

  • 17 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hi all, 

Im waiting on a parastomal hernia repair and was just wondering how affective is it, and is there anyone who’s had the repair where it had not come back? 

Thanks In advance 


  • Hi Laura

    I was only put on the waiting list at the beginning of this month. I saw my consultant in March. He ordered a CT scan, which I had 2 weeks later so I thought it wouldn't be too long until I had my operation. My colorectal nurse said I was on the list a while ago but according to the NHS app I was only referred this month. I had my surgery in July 2019. I had chemo afterwards but was off work longer than I would have been due to lockdown 3 days after I had finished my treatment. When I went back to work I should have been more careful but didn't realise. I  suppose I didn't want to look like I was asking for special treatment in case other staff weren't happy. 


  • Hi Sarah, 

    Maybe you need to think about getting some sort support garments just to wear at work just in case, I must of done something within the first few months for it to tear as it was still healing maybe!!

    Laura x x

  • Hi Laura

    I’m retired now so luckily don’t need to worry about work! I had a very long recovery period after my particular op and 2 stomas, so I’ve always tried to be really careful. I remember trying a support belt in the early days but didn’t like it so didn’t persevere. I usually get my partner to do any lifting-baskets of washing etc, but they have a slipped disk at the moment so it’s a bit more difficult for now but I find ways to manage and some things just don’t get done! 

    Sarah xx

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  • Hi Sarah

    Ah ok yes you can always get around things, I unfortunately have a very active job and would really have to take it easy maybe even have someone work with when I get my repair or just go on very light duties!!

    Laura x x

  • Hi Kim,

    Thank you for your update. I am with Securicare and I will talk to them about a support belt next time I order my supplies.

    Thanks again 


  • Hi Michael, 

    I think you would need to speak to your stoma nurse about support garments they need set up an appointment with the garments people this is wear I was measured for  my garments, then she filled a form in to say what I needed and then I took it to my Drs to be signed then it was posted of to the garments people Supportx I think their called, this is like a prescription from the Dr I did then have the garments put on to my prescription app so when I need them I just go on and order them then the dr oks it and sends the prescription to them this year I ordered all my 3 in one go.

    best of luck 

    Laura x x

  • Hi Laura.

    Yes you are right. It was the stoma nurse who referred me to SupportX. I'd forgotten about that. I just had this years 3 delivered this morning. The prescription gets sent to Securicare from my GP surgery. I get a letter from SupportX each year which I take in to the surgery and it's dealt with from there.

    Take care

