Rehydration solution

  • 4 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hello, I had ileostomy surgery 4 months ago after having a colostomy for 3years (which never gave me any hassle) but I'm struggling to keep hydrated. I've tried st. Marks solution and dioralyte but I vomit both back up or just gag on it. It's got so bad this week I start retching whilst mixing it. Anyone got an other ideas of things I could try to keep hydrated? Thank you

  • You dont seem to have had any answers yet so thought I would say what helps me.

    I drink quite a lot of low sugar squash which I mix up in a sports drink bottle so that I always have a drink available.

    In the summer when it was really warm I was getting dehyrated so added one or two of the cyclist type sports tablets which didnt alter the taste

    I also make a hot drink in an insulated cup for overnight so that I can have a drink after I have emptied Fred (my ileostomy) at about 2 or3 in the morning.

    Hope you are getting on ok


  • From similar experience: bottled water (our tap water isn't good); soda water; high juice blackcurrant squash; pomegranate juice drink; tonic water; mug of tea! Water cannot fail to rehydrate and is the basis of all drinks, I never saw the point in buying proprietary products that cost a lot but don't bring anything to the party!

  • Thank you. I feel the same and should be able to manage it with normal drinks. My hospital really push the St Marks solution but unless you are beginning to dehydrated and lossing salts I don't think it's something I want to do everyday. 

  • Thank you. I will have look at the tablets. I take water to bed but maybe I need to take a drink.