Stoma reversal

  • 8 replies
  • 20 subscribers

I’m booked in for a reversal on Thursday.

any hints and tips pre and post surgery would be really welcomed

hope everyone is doing ok Slight smile

  • Hi  and welcome

    Have you seen the dedicated sub forum in the group for living well with a stoma reversal and LARS? It’s in the headings on the main group page. Loads of advice there until you get some replies here. I can’t have a reversal, so no help to you, but I’ll tag my friend  who has gone through this. There will be lots of others too who will hopefully come along and post.

    All the best with the surgery! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks for replying

  • Thanks Sarah 

    Hello NickyP

    Congrats on your appointment for your reversal. The op itself isn’t long or invasive they usually book them in around the larger ops. So I wasn’t prepared for an arrival at 6.30 then wait until 4.30 without anything to do or occupy myself. Also people were getting cancelled around me so I found that part the most stressful. I nearly walked at two p.m as I wasnt even in the side room ready to go. 
    So I  would take something to read or ear buds for music or films whatever you fancy. 

    At home I was prepared, I ordered into incontinence pads, sudocream or similar. 

    I slept near the toilet when I got home , it was just more convenient all around. I also bought a portable bidet it’s only about five pounds a squeezy bottle would suffice. My bottom was a little sore 

    I read up on masses of posts here you can find answers there. There are some really funny posts I will see if I can find some later. 

    The strangest thing was my first experience of passing wind. 

    My diet I went back to bulking foods and low fibre similar to after my LAR. Eating is really important I tried not to and found I still passed stools but it was fluid so difficult to control 

    Good luck with it ask me anything

    Best wishes 


  • Found it.  
    This should make you smile. It did me, Karen shared it with me. 
    best wishes


  • Thanks Ann

    ive just had the dreaded drink in preparation for the op

  • Oh bless 

    I didn’t find that drink as awlful as the bowel emptying one.

    They said it didn’t need to be empty as it wasn’t used for thirteen months  so you should be fine  

    The two drinks I had were pre op   

    Good luck tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you I’m sending you my very best wishes. 


  • I’m sure I’ll be in touch for more advice and encouraging words lol

    thanks Ann 

  • Good Luck. Grin
