I'm a man and I would like to tell you my story 'Living with Bladder Cancer and a Stoma'

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I'm a 58 year old male and creative graphic designer and illustrator. In 2012 I met my partner and soulmate Kim and my life couldn't be happier. Two years previous I lost both my parents to cancer... I was devastated and I struggled with life afterwards, but somehow found the strength to get through it. When I met Kim things started to change for the better, and over the next several years our lives were happy and content. I had always been very fit and active and had no illnesses of any kind, I even managed to dodge flu and very rarely had a cold. Sometime in 2018 I started to get a pain in my bladder and the odd urine infection. Over the next few months the infection got steadily worse - my GP referred me to my local hospital where I underwent some tests and at the beginning of 2019 I had a small operation to fix a small blockage and narrowing of my urethra. I was off work for a number of weeks, which didn't go down well with the company I was working for at the time, and pressure and an underlying threat was put on me to hasten back to work. Despite the small and successful operation I steadily worsened, having more urine infections and trouble going to the toilet. My company weren't sympathetic or showing any empathy at all and I started feeling angry at the way I was being treated. I had another short spell in hospital, this time I stent was going to be inserted into one of my kidneys, however the procedure was aborted when they discovered something very serious and sinister in my bladder. Two weeks later, with Kim by my side, fiercely holding onto my hand I was told by the hospital consultant the devastating news that I had a very aggressive form of bladder cancer. I had only one choice - have the bladder removed and the prostate and live with a stoma for the rest of my life. I was horrified... I had the big 'C', just like my parents had before me. My consultant told me everything, even explaining that it would mean that it might change my/our sex life. Just as I was about to crumble into sobbing pieces, my angel Kim told me that she would stand by me regardless, and that she loved me and wanted to grow old with me... having a stoma wouldn't change her love for me. That gave me the strength to face this massive life-changing operation and five weeks later and a week in hospital, was finally back home and on the slow way to recovery, but I had two obstacles to overcome - the first was that my company sacked me on the grounds that I couldn't do my job. I suspected the minute I told them I had cancer, they were thinking of replacing me and decided that while I was off work, that would be the time to do it. I tried to fight the decision and asked citizens's advice for help, but little came of it - and in the big scheme of things, I had a more important fight on my hands, namely that off recovering from a major cancer op. The second obstacle was adjusting to my new friend - the stoma! at first it felt abhorrent and alien to me, but I accepted what it was and was lucky to have the chance to carry on with life. A job is simply... a job! And I knew I would get another one eventually. Day by day I got fitter and stronger and I actually felt very well. I no longer had that awful pain in my bladder and getting up in the middle of the night 4 times to pee - it was no more! Three months since the operation I had another massive bodyblow - Kim left me... At the time she never told me why - she had been acting strangely for a couple of weeks and I eventually found out she had been online dating. We had just gone into Covid by this time. I moved out, I was devastated, hurt, betrayed, angry. I did stay in touch with her for a few months after, hoping against hope that she realised she made a mistake and I just simply wanted answers and a closure. Just over a year later I finally heard from a friend of hers that Kim didn't want to live with a cancer victim - as selfish as it seems, it was as simple as that. I started picking up the pieces off my life during those awful times of the pandemic, at times I would be in a dark place but somehow I managed to find the strength to find a way back into the light. I threw myself into my creative work (although at the time I was still jobless) My stoma has now become a firm fixture and part of me - I even gave it a name 'Gromit'... So along with Gromit I am still single, and probably will be for the rest of my life... as much as I miss someone to wake up too, have a hug and spend intimate moments and share the joys with someone you love, sadly my life now doesn't have any of that, and I have accepted this. I have also accepted and celebrated that I have now passed the 3 year in remission mark - I'm fitter than I have been for many years. I have since shared some of my experiences living with bladder cancer on some forums and in groups. My life is moving on and I'm currently looking at relocating - starting a new chapter somewhere.

Anyway, I wanted to share this story with you. Any males or infact anybody at all out there that have/living with cancer - don't be. afraid to speak out. As horrifying as the big 'C' is, there is life afterwards - some easier than others. If you ever get to a very low point, seek help and believe in your own strength. Forums such as this are a great place to share and be able to open with likeminded people without being judged. There is always hope and fabulous people to help guide you through it. Thank you for reading my story. A

  • Thank you for sharing your story, Fangorn2014

    You've had a very rough few years with some terribly low points but have fought your way through and have shown that we're often far tougher and more resilient than we might ever have thought.

    Your positive attitude shines through and I take my hat off to you and wish you all the very best for the future, in life and in love (don't give up on finding that special person - you never know who might be just around the corner).

    Take care.

  • Just read your story Fangorn2014.

    You are an inspiration for all of us who feel close to giving up ... I had bladder cancer 2 years ago at a very early stage, so I still have my bladder. But starting a few weeks ago I have had many colon cancer symptoms (blood, constipation, pains, fatigue ...) and my "dark labyrinth" has started all over ... Plunged in despair ("not again!"). Thanks for sharing your story.

  • Hi... Thank you so much for reading and liking my story. I'm so sorry to hear about your cancer. Fight it. Be strong... Don't give up! You fought your cancer before and you can do it again, this is a battle you can win! Stay positive and believe in yourself and you'll find the strength to get through this. I hope you (unlike me) have a loved one to help you and support you through this. You're not alone.Slight smile 

  • What an inspiration you are Heart️ 

    After all you have been through your strength is sparkling through every word written.

    thank you for sharing, I was first diagnosed on 28th February this year and treatment started in May.  Mostly I feel surprisingly strong and strangely calm, but the at times I have the most overwhelming feeling of being so frightened and useless during my recovery.

    Sending love and best wishes to you for a happy healthy life, but I think you know yourself that whatever life throws at you, you will continue to deal with.

    you take care 

  • Hi Nicky... I think you'll find you're an inspiration to everyone too, especially coming across how positive you are, despite the moments of being scared - that is only natural... and never give in to despair... You're moving forward positively. Continue to sparkle and shine bright, smile and love... you'll get there Slight smile I believe in you... Alex

  • Hi Alex

    i enjoyed reading your bio. You’ve had to battle through mentality which I think is vital. Push through 

    I hope that you use your creativity to enjoy a good living as they say if you’ve got your hobby as a job you never have to work 

    I am sorry to hear that your partner didn’t stick with you but I believe she’ll be running a long while if she’s hiding from any illness. 

    Love the name Gromit coming from Bristol I have a soft spot for Aardman I had a miniature statue to paint for Christmas that year that we had Gromits all over Bristol 

    Have a good weekend 


  • Haha, glad you like the name Gromit and yes, it did come from Wallace & Gromit which was created in Bristol - W&T always close to my heart and its never a bad thing to have lots of Gromit statues over the place. Yes, my creativity knows no bounds - 20+ years as a graphic designer and illustrator and been fortunate to have worked in many sectors Now, recently employed (again) I've written and illustrated a children's book based on the adventures of my two Yorkshire terriers and nearly finished Book 2... My creativity (and picking up dog poo) keeps me going, makes me happy... and pushes me forward to battle the odds... Up until this point there is life after the big C... thanks very much for reading my story and glad you liked it... have a good weekend too :)

  • It’s inspiring to know that you’ve kept your creativity

    Lost mine completing, bowel cancer op with temporary Ileostomy six weeks later Hubby diagnosed with Parkinson’s then I was reversed and blocked Hubby diagnosed with NAFLD then I was diagnosed with lung cancer in two places. 
    Ha ha luckily another primary so I feel blessed that I’ve had two operations but I have no energy or inspiration to paint 

    Last thing I did is my avatar on my iPad Pro Whoopi now sleeping AKA whoopsadaisy and Whoopi cushion  she now opens a can of Whoopass every now and then even though she’s hidden  

    We have had  some amazing names here, Boris & Donald , Sir Keir Stoma, old ones that come to mind also. Moaning Myrtle and  Gollum 

    Those names did inspire me I designed lots for people with stomas. Gollum was the funniest

    They’re all on an old thread somewhere  we had such a laugh 

    Ive enjoyed chatting with you Alex 


  • Lovely chatting with you too... stay strong and continue to support each other... Hopefully you'll get the creative bug back sometime... take care Relaxed