Temporary Stoma

  • 3 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi all,

Due for a temp stoma on 27th March (colorectal cancer.  Sigmoidectomy). Any advice welcome on:

* physical preparation pre op  

* foods to avoid

* hints and tips. 


Nervous and a bit scared. 

  • Hi ASP and welcome.

    Do you know whether it's a colostomy or an ileostomy that you're having? I had a different op to you which resulted in an ileostomy and I can reassure you that it's not as bad as you might be imagining and managing it soon becomes second nature. My day to day life is exactly as it was before the op - meals out, travelling, normal clothes, normal diet etc (although you need to be slightly cautious about diet in the early days especially with things like nuts, anything with skins or pips and fibrous foods like sweetcorn, pineapple and mushrooms as they can cause a blockage). The secret is to start off with the beige diet, i.e. fish, chicken, mashed veg, milky puddings, stewed or tinned fruit and then introduce new foods slowly - always remembering to chew, chew, chew.

    Prior to the op try to get as fit as possible - walking is great if you're able. Or swimming. If you've been given abdominal exercises to do then start practising them - especially if there's a chance that you'll get a reversal further down the line.

    The stoma nurses and ward nurses will show you how to manage your stoma and will also sort you out with supplies. There's lots of different products available and you'll get different samples to try out until you find the combination that suits you best. There is a degree of trial and error initially. 

    For the time in hospital pack a long charging cable for your phone, things to do like books or magazines etc. I was also advised to take chewing gum and was told to chew for 30 minutes at a time, 3 times a day (to stimulate the bowel after the surgery).

    I hope this helps, but come back if you have specific questions as there are loads of nice folk on here who will help. And don't be scared of the op or the stoma - it will be fine.

    Take care.

  • Thanks for the reply. Very reassuring. Thanks for taking the time. 

    Its a colostomy I’m in for  

  • Hi there in that case you will be able to eat lots more than I could though as BlueBlue said you’ll need to introduce steadily. Keeping a food diary is really helpful then if you have a reaction you know to leave it out for a while 

    Pelvic floor are really great. 
    Good luck x
