Stoma bag

  • 4 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hello I was looking for advice if anyone has any

 My mum was recently diagnosed and has has a temporary stoma bag fitted but is very very low down and she is having real trouble with it bursting and the area around the stoma where the bag is attached is raw and bleeding. Is this common please and how long did it take for you to find the right bag for your stoma please. She really struggles to attach the bag as its very low and an awkwardly facing the ground. Thanks so much for your help xx

  • Does she have a stoma nurse to talk to? Mine has sourced various bags to try but I've ended up back with the Novalife Tre although even after seven months I've not got the bag size correct. I've also tried using the wings for additional adhesion so your mum could consider them.

    As well  as the stoma nurse I've found the staff at Fittleworth suppliers very helpful.

  • Beautiful Bea. As the lovely lady above says, talk to your stoma nurse. They have creams and potions and a selection of bags for your mum to try out. Please, they are amazing and there to help. Hope this helps. What a lovely daughter you are. 

  • Hi 

    I had an Ileostomy and I found it leaked and burned my skin. I phoned my stoma nurses and they tried to fob me off. I was exasperated and said I needed to see someone immediately as I was bleeding 

    They saw me that day 

    Yes I was a drama queen, but I went there they gave me convex pouches and Eakin rings a belt. I came out of there a different woman. 
    I had tips here on for the sore skin and I booked a weekend away six weeks post op. Then I flew to Spain. 
    Once she gets the right products she’ll be fine. 
    Hope all goes well. 


  • Ileostomy is a different kettle of fish from colostomy as the stoma is a different part of the bowel. It’s the part where acid is used to in the intestine to deal with the feaces hence the problem with burning and leakage. 
    well done Artsie Ann for persisting. 
    I have a parastomal hernia which has life considerably. Hoping for a repair and reversal soon. I’ve been waiting 3 years Expressionless