Ileostomy reversal

  • 8 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I had my stoma reversal in August and was fitted with an ileostomy as temporary measure. Had ileostomy reversal 10 days ago in November.  Was great for 3 days, near normal bowel movement but more frequent. Diarrhoea kicked in when I got home, 5 days after operation. I had prepared as all the medical staff had warned me.  I thought I had escaped silly me.

I was thrilled my operation went well. I had all the tools to deal with my return home, pads, baby bum cream, washing tools, etc. but hoped they would not be needed. I need diet advice now. I am eating same diet as before hospital but asking for help as not working. I can't  work out what is causing my problem and am now afraid to leave the house.

 I have cereal breakfast sandwich lunch and fish or meat with veg dinner. Any advice will be gratefully received. The marshmallows and jelly babies don't work now.

  • Hi RitaD

    I had my reversal September 2nd from my Ileostomy August 2021. So I had a long wait for my op. 
    I had to sleep downstairs as I couldn’t make it to the toilet upstairs and had trouble sleeping. Days went much better. The hospital advised me to go natural and eat mashed food similar to when I had my stoma. 
    Two weeks and I was back to bed and eating very plain beige food. White bread toast for breakfast or porridge, white bread sandwich with peanut butter for lunch, mustard butter mash, spinach with finely diced meat. This worked. I also was adviced to take one lopermide before bed. 
    I had some weeks building up my food and kept a food diary. 
    It’s trial and error  My bowel was asleep for a long while so it’s taking a while to work properly 

    My rectum was removed and now I have no storage but I’ve been told I can stretch it back so I’m hoping by eating stodgy food it’s easier to process  I’ve stopped taking the lopermide regularly but have them just in case  

    There’s masses of info on this here. Also check out the LARS section I’ve gained lots of info there 


  • Hi Artsie, not spoken in a while hope you’re good. I had my reversal on Monday and all went well. I was home by Tuesday pm and had my first bowel movement a few hours later, carried on through the night with stomach cramps and diarrhoea. I am eating normally but since Tuesday I have not had any bowel movements not even the urge to go. I am concerned where all the food is going that I’m eating!!! I only had my bag for 12 weeks so my bowel wasn’t out of action for too long, I guess I’m just wondering how long it’s ok to go without a bowel movement? 

  • Hi Ali Bali 

    Congratulations on your reversal. 

    I was not  constipated once but my bowel did fall asleep and I was pretty sick. 
    If you have bloating, no sensation to open your bowels please contact your team. They may recommend something to help move things along.

    If you have pain high and vomiting then you will need medical help 

    It can take a while to settle. Maybe if you’re feeling okay physically try some small amount of fibre. 

    I can be erratic with my bowel movements and have used stool softeners but nothing stronger  

    What type of diet are you having.?
    Mine was mainly beige in the beginning, it’s much more varied now but everything I put in I am conscious that I need to get it out. 

    Take care 


  • Hi Artsie I’ve had a pretty beige diet too. I have now been to the toilet several times today and feel relieved. I didn’t feel sick or unwell but was just worried where all the food was going. I haven’t had diarrhoea today but there has been an urgency for me to get to the loo. I am hoping it settles over time as it’s only been a week since the op and I would like to introduce some veg back into my diet x

  • Hi Ali Bali 

    Thats great news that you didn’t feel unwell or sick that sends alarm bells 
    As my rectum was removed I had no storage so urgency for me was a worry and control. 
    I found that when the feeling that I needed to go I would take myself to the toilet and breathe concentrating on holding my bowels. Just gentle holding as I was in the loo anyway I could experiment. After a little while it passed and I could leave it.  
    This really helps. You are at really early days. I slept downstairs for two weeks so you are doing really well 

    I’d stay beige for a little while. Veg can make the bowel overreact and as you’re going often you may find it difficult. 
    I mashed my veg early days that worked. 

    Im not sure if you’ve seen this. Wellspring put it up in September thought it’s worth a watch. There’s another Karen put up I will find it and attach below.


  • Hi. Karen found this for me a few months ago. It made me smile hope it makes you smile too. It brightened my early days. 
    Hope you have a good day today


  • Me again. Now 4 weeks since my reversal. Doing well. Eating more normally and sleeping all night. No diarrhoea  but more frequent trips to toilet  in day. 3 or 4 time and I can hold it so able to go out. Some days go only once or twice. Tried 1 glass red wine but went more times next day. Too early. Stews done slowly in oven good as all  very tasty and soft. Highly recommend. Eating  wholemeal bread now 1 or 2 mall slice a day. Mushy peas didn't work for me  Eat lots of carrots and courgettes are good. Tried spinach but not sure. Frozen type. Still  get tiredness  but getting g better. All in all feeling good and happy had reversal  now. Thanks  for all your advice it's very  helpful . Rita D