New here, hello.

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  • 18 subscribers

Hello, my name is Rob, I ended up with a stoma a couple of months ago after complications from having a cancerous lump removed from my rectum, was originally only temporary but going in next week for APER Surgery to lower the risk of the cancer returning so the stoma is with me permanently now. Getting on with it reasonably well so far, it's only leaked once, and luckily I was at home, had a few embarrassing farting moments but not too bad compared to some stories I've read on here. 

I would like to ask what people find the best support for the stoma, I've got a couple of belts which are OK but was thinking about getting the support boxer shorts. Not sure if I need the high or low waist band? Any advice?

Thanks, Rob. 

  • Hi there Rob72

    I wanted to say hello and welcome you to the group. 
    You've been through an ordeal and thankfully the cancers sorted now you can sort out your stoma

    Im now reversed however I actually had lots of freedom with my stoma so it would be really great to get the leaks finished. I had lots of issues to start

    For me I had a flat stoma to start and the stoma nurses gave me a convex bag with Eakin slims because of the sores and a belt. This was a game changer. I wore high briefs probably your option may be a micro skin marks sparks boxer high waist  or similar there may be more choice but as I am female I am not sure. I would start with that. I needed the waistband above my stoma which was an Ileostomy so quite high 
    it took me ages to find the right fit for my needs. Just experiment 

    take care 
