New colostomy

  • 3 replies
  • 18 subscribers


had a stoma formed on Friday, bit of an emergency. I was diagnosed in January with a vaginal/rectal cancer. I’ve never had bowel symptoms and only had ti have the stomach due to upcoming radiation and risk of a fistula. 

im now 7 days post op and my stoma still isn’t working properly. I’m passing wind and watery stools. 
desperate to get home to my children and husband but not allowed until I pass a good amount. 

m stated on laxitives this morning but still nothing…did anyone else take this long., if so ehat should I expect? 

many thanks xx

  • Hi @Ker25 and welcome to the group!

    I had my colostomy 2.5 years ago and it took a week to work while I was in hospital. My surgeon wasn’t concerned because I was passing wind. Then I started to have little bits of stool and they were happy with that. I would consider that your stoma is working because you can pass wind and watery stools. I wonder what they assess to be a “good amount”? I was in hospital for 2 weeks after my particular surgery and never had a great deal in my bag. All was ok though.

    Are you managing to eat? I couldn’t  really eat much, so there consequently wasn’t much to come out! It can take a while for everything to get going after this surgery, but mine did start to produce more as time went on. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks sarah, they have me a free fluids diet which I don’t think is helping. There’s nothing to push things through. My surgeon saw me this morning and placed a catheter down and had a feel and said there is soft stool there so just a waiting game. 

    i hope this isn’t a sign of what’s to come x

  • Gosh, my hospital put me straight onto the normal hospital menu when I got back to the ward and said they wanted me to get back to normal as quickly as possible with eating the same food as everyone else! I could hardly eat a thing to begin with when faced with things like fish and chips and sausage rolls, but I usually managed something like weetabix for breakfast. 

    It just takes time for things to settle down after surgery and get into a routine again, but if you’re only on fluids then I don’t think there would be much to come out the other end!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm