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Hello, I am here to find support and advice regarding my elderly father.  He is 91 y/o and has had an ileostomy for the last 11 years.  He had back surgery and contracted C-diff, he developed mega colon and had to have an emergency colectomy.  He has managed his ileostomy very well up until now.  He has developed dementia, he forgot to order supplies, and has had some episodes of accidents.  My 90 y/o mother was in a bad car accident, leading both of them to be moved from their home into assisted living.  She is very bitter about this and is taking it out on everyone. The assisted living place states they will do nothing to help him regarding his ileostomy, which upsets my mom even more and she blames him for having this issue, and she cannot/will not deal with it any longer!!  Apparently this is considered skilled nursing, even though a few of the staff had no problem with it. They are basically saying he will have to go elsewhere.  So, I am going to bring him into my home, which is 8 hours away from her. So, I will be dealing with his ileostomy, if/when he has issues. I think once we get the supplies he will be able to take care of it appropriately, at least for the time being.  I am a registered nurse, but have never had to deal with ostomies in my practice. My spouse is a paramedic, so I think we can handle my dad, and get him out of the dysfunctional environment he is currently in. anyone else dealing with this with dementia patients? Thank you.

  • Hi . What a very difficult situation you’ve found yourself in and my heart goes out to you and the decision you’ve had to make. I’ve no experience of dementia but when I had my stoma my bags came ready cut to the correct size on a monthly basis from a company called Respond. They sent me the bags, wipes, sprays etc. without me asking and I just used to suspend a delivery if I found I was stock piling. 
    Im sure you and your hubby will be more than capable of helping your dad changing his bags and maybe you could set up a timer system for him to empty it every couple of hours regardless of how full it is? It may also be worth contacting the stoma nurses at your local hospital to see if they have any experience/advice?

    Sorry I’ve not been much practical help but I hope you’re quickly able to get your dad back with you in a loving environment

    Take care

    Karen x

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