Reintroduction of foods

  • 8 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I'm 24 days on from my surgery which removed vulva, vagina and bowel. I'm being very tentative about what to eat and so far white bread, cheese  sliced beef and chips are okay.

Any experience to share about what to try next? I love sausage and would love some but but but!

  • Hi its still early days and you seem to be doing so well.Sausage ,maybe try a little but dont eat the skin initially.

    I tried various foods but only had small portions to start with and did the chew chew chew thing.Then if they were ok I increased the portion sizes.

    I have an iliostomy and still 2 1/2  yrs on have not tried corn or tomato skins.Im a wimpJoyJoyJoy

    All the best


    Ps.a stoma nurse said "if its white its alright" as a starting point.rice/pasta/chicken/cauliflower/fish.lots to start with.

  • Thanks. So far I've eaten boringly but want some variety now. I'll try a tiny amount and see how I get on

  • Oh, well done so far! Maybe a wee bit early to be too adventurous but as Katz51 has said chicken, fish, rice etc should be fine.  Or some banana (maybe not a whole one right away), stewed apple either on it's own or in a pudding, macaroni cheese, pasta with sauce, yogurt.  Skinless sausages if you have a real craving? In the next few weeks you can start to introduce a bit more variety.  A retired nurse told me to try an egg cupful at a time and see how it goes.  It was good advice and after about 4 months I could eat anything including some of the no-no things like seeds, nuts, grapes, salad stuff etc.  I've even accidentally had sweetcorn which I don't really like,  and it came out exactly as it went in!  The only thing I need to be slightly cautious with is eggs.  OK in the morning but not later in the day.

    Good luck.

  • I agree with all of the comments so far - all good advice. I am 3 and a half years with my ileostomy and was devastated at first with all the beige foods and stories of people not being able to eat normally as I love my food. Best advice I listened to was on here and it was a lady who said introduce everything in tiny amounts then build up- I can now eat and drink pretty much whatever I want, although I am still cautious with nuts, seeds and corn. 
    Just go at your own pace and you will get there Heart️

  • I agree ,Im 2 and a half years on with an iliostomy and now eat most things with no effects.nuts,beans,seeds are all ok.just the corn I havent tried.

    In fact because I had colitis for 30yrs and couldnt eat curry or chilli type things,I actually have a more varied diet as I can now eat them no problem.

    The only small thing is more than 2 glasses of red wine make things a little loose.but gin and tonic or lager are fine.sounds as though I drink loads.JoyJoyJoy


  • White bread , salted Butter Fish fingers mayo with sea salt. If your and Ileostomy as we have to up our salt and sugar intake if colostomy just cut out extra salt. I really enjoyed half a sandwich to start. Wotsits , crackers with dips peanut butter, steamed puddings with custard or cream. 
    I ate quite beige to start. Isotonic drinks are great help. 
    Now I eat a varied diet staying away from too high fibre. 
    This is making me really hungry and a yearning for fish finger sandwich 

    Have fun experimenting introducing slowly to check that you’re processing your food okay 

    I’m ten months on now and can eat Chinese and eat most things. Skins for me are too much anxiety so although I do have tinned tomatoes but not fresh I tried pealing  them and thought there’s more important things to do. I’ve eaten nuts but got jaw ache!!! 


  • Thanks for the witty and detailed response. I've had a couple of poop explosions which has made me wary. But youve given me some inspiration especially nuts as I love cashews - later!

  • I didn’t try nuts until recently. They weren’t worth the jaw ache. Crisps are better. Oh and I’m a sweetcorn nut but that’s not worth the chewing either.

    Whoopi  (my stoma) liked to explode on me too early days but she’s running smooth now with a combination of foods. Most of the time. 
