Stoma supplies and making use of some existing gear?

  • 10 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi all, I will be having a RC with urostomy mid January. So a few queries about equipment needed,

I am assuming that the stoma bags etc. that I will need are provided FOC by, the NHS via a specialist supplier? Is there non prescription stuff that I will have to obtain separately? I am over the age for getting free prescriptions.

2nd query is about quite a lot of gear I have left over from when I was sent home with a catheter. (I was a naughty boy and couldn't pee after a TURBT procedure!) Are the leg and night bags compatible with a stoma bag? If so I would be able to use them, and have an emergency stock, should I experience supply issues, as has been mentioned on here! I offered the stuff to the local District Nurses, but they're not allowed to take it.

Finally, I assume there are special straps or whatever to help secure a stoma bag in place, should I need extra security possibly, if playing golf or similar?  Thanks for any answers, Merry Christmas to all.  

  • Hi Kidneybeen

    I will speak from my experience..

    all the kit needed to manage my stomas is provided by a specialist supplier on the basis of a prescription signed off by my doctor, where I request what I think I need for a month at a time. . Everything is provided through the nhs, and as a cancer sufferer I have a free prescription card, valid for 5 years from my diagnosis. I don’t personally require to buy any other products. 

    You can use stoma support belts, which you should be properly measured and fitted for by one of the companies offering these. I don’t use them, so don’t know the cost of these of whether they are available on prescription-I can get a limited amount of underwear on prescription, but again I don’t use this and rely on Matalan! It’s not essential to use any kind of strapping or support with stomas, but I appreciate that as a golfer such a system would give you extra security. I don’t need them, so my bags both just fit snugly in my underwear. 

    I don’t know about your leg and night bags, I’m afraid. I do connect my urostomy bag via tubing to a night bag on a stand by the bed to save getting up through the night, but whether yours are compatible with the tubing and clips which connect to a urostomy bag, I don’t know. 

    Sorry, actually once I started I realised I didn’t have all the answers for you! Hopefully others will have more info for you. 

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  • Thanks for the answers that you have provided Sarah, It's pretty much what I suspected, but good to get confirmation. I can ask the specialist Stoma nurses about bag supports etc when I get to meet them in due course.

    A leg bag extension to a stoma bag, may give enough extra capacity, to last a full round of golf circa 4 hours, and would also be easier to empty al fresco, as the outlet is just above ankle height! Regards, Bob


  • I would just empty the bag behind a tree on the course! A urostomy bag has a little tap at the bottom which you use to empty (obviously normally straight into the loo) but al fresco is an option too, I can confirm! . As a female, I never sit on the loo now-I just stand like a bloke and turn the little tap to open. It’s so easy. 

    So, personally I would see this as an easier option than attempting to attach another bag to an existing bag. You can seriously empty a bag very discreetly! My bag would certainly be ok for 4 hours without emptying but of course it’s dependent on how much liquid you have drunk in advance of the round. 

    The stoma nurse should be able to give you details of companies for stoma support belts-they are also easily found on a google search. They look like elasticated bands which go round your body to hold everything in place. 

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Stoma Support Belts are very tight and are like knickers without legs .Your going to have to wait until everything calms down .on leaving the hospital You will be supplied with some bags and a toilet bag with everything in it .Make sure that the Stoma Nurse gives you plenty of bags as you will need them .Your Stoma nurse places your order for you .If you're short of them phone them You will have a phone number .

    Good luck with everything.Kissing heartAlaine

  • Thanks for all your input. Hospital Stoma Nurses sent me home with enough supplies of all I needed to last at least 2 weeks. They have also registered me with Coloplast Charter, and placed an order for everything needed for at least a month, which was delivered yesterday. So all good so far! I will have to notify the GP medical Centre about the supplier, who then deal with future orders that I will do on line as supplies start to diminish. 

    It looks like I could use the redundant catheter leg and night bags by using the plastic plug adapters provided with the Ostomy bags. So will keep these as emergency supply, should I have a future order/delivery problem.


  • Hi there. just thought I'd add a comment in light of most recent experience. I completed a routine order for bags, plus some accessories. I wasn't running short, just thought do it in plenty of time.

    So this was last Thursday. Friday the GP approved the prescription and Coloplast Charter delivered the stuff via DVD on Saturday! So only 3 days from start to finish when I wasn't in any rush! 


  • Hi KidneyBean 

    Your name still makes smile. 
    I am with Coloplast Charter and have found them so efficient and supportive. If one things not in stock they advice and get it to me asap. 
    How are you now?

    Last time we spoke you were hoping to get back to golf that was ages ago 


  • Hi . If you do find that your spare supplies are not compatible then you can send them to a charity called Jacobs Well Appeal that sends spare medical supples to 3rd world countries? x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • A great charity .When I sent some surplus supplies they replied with a lovely email telling me all about their work.


  • Hi. I’ve just had contact from a medical supplies charity and have two possibilities  one is a  link Karen mentioned
