Stoma support

  • 18 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hi I had an op in May but it went wrong & after a week I was back in hospital as an emergency. I woke up after the second op with a six inch (stapled up) gash in my tummy & having to have a bag attached. That was at the end of June after a month in hospital.

I am generally not in pain although it can be very uncomfortable verging on painful at times, especially when on the move

Sleep is my biggest problem but i daren't take  sleeping tablets or I might regain consciousness to find an unpleasant accident . This has happened twice, fortunately not damaging the mattress.

I now sleep with the stoma bag, old sheets round that, an old T shirt and pajama on top of that. I average 3 visits to the toilet per night but still manage to get about 5 hours sleep a night. I count my blessings, but if anyone can suggest any way to improve on this I would welcome suggestions!!

  • Hi  and welcome to the board. Is your output very liquid? My Ileostomy was a night owl and I used to wake up every couple of hours to check/empty it. It wasn’t ideal but I managed to do it with my eyes half closed then back to bed! I bought a waterproof mattress cover just in case and also some of the puppy training pads which I used to put under me.

    Have you worked out what is causing the accidents? Is the bag too full? Is it coming away and leaking? Could you try a larger bag? If your stoma is very active in an evening then you could maybe have your main meal at lunchtime and just a snack at teatime. Try not to eat late into the evening or have too much fluids. If the bag is leaking because you’re laid down and it’s coming away from your body then your stoma nurse should be able to give you some additional strips or a belt to provide extra security. 
    Ive attached a link to a convatec article which may help?

    Hope things start to improve for you

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi Karen

    All of those things is the quick answer.  I have found that, so far, the best solution is to have a large breakfast & lunch & small evening meal, by 6 p.m.   i do like a glass of wine which doesn't help. I am my own worst enemy in that I lost 2 stone & the surgeon encouraged me to eat lots which I do !  weight now almost normal so time to cut back,  I guess.  Re sleeping.  I go to bed at 11  then wake up at 2 to go to loo then again at about 4;30.  I find that if I take one mild sleeping tablet at 4:30 I can go through until about 8/8:30 before I wake up.   Also, I wrap up in old sheets as well as usual, just in case.  No accidents for weeks now but still very cautious.

  • Hi Spondulix,

    My ileostomy needs emptying every two to three hours during the day.  
    After my op I was only comfortable sleeping raised on my back with pillows so if I had a leak it was only on the tummy.  
    Since now being able to sleep on my left side I have found that I have slept heavier which can cause an over filled bag and pressure. I bought pads for under the sheets and wedge my self on my left side so hopefully my bag does not get squished.

    It’s horrible a four am change.

    Strangely I have two dry crackers late at night as my system was overreacting when not fed. My Stoma  nurse advised giving it a go and it works for me. Two dry crackers late helps my output.

    I’m not sure that I’ve cracked the leaks completely but I do feel that my nights are more manageable, I take a sleep aid as I’ve never slept well   My emptying is much faster these days with the baby oil in the bag first and squeeze  before emptying it flies out which really helps my return to slumber.

    Best Wishes



  • Thanks for your reply and especially the dry crackers tip. I've got used now to sleeping on my back and if I am too tired during the day I'm lucky enough, being retired, to have an afternoon lie down/nap.

    The most depressing thing is the thought of maybe another six months before the reversal operation.

  • Spondulix

    I’m retired too and enjoy my power naps. My op was August so I’ve got a long way to go but im gonna get to grips with this thing. I actually feel I am better now than pre op. I was blocking, bloated and had pain. Now I feel more in control. Well when im awake. 
    take care enjoy your two dry crackers. Midnight feast. Ha ha. Hope they work for you 

    best wishes 


  • Hi Artsie

    Thanks for your reply. I'm still struggling with getting the da**  support "belt" comfortable.  My stoma seems very tender at the moment to the point where walking is very uncomfortable. Always at the weekend- when no help available. Will have to arrange to see the stoma nurse next week, hopefully. she's very good.

    looking forward to the "midnight feast" !! 

  • You poor thing. 
    Hopefully your nurse will help and give you the products you need, you shouldn’t be uncomfortable.  
    I’ve got convex with eakin slims to protect the skin around the stoma. Though I have had a rash which caused concern but calamine seems to be doing it’s magic. My nurse has sent me a range of pouches for sensitive skin so I can try them. They’re so supportive. I don’t wear the belt now as I have big pants. They do the trick.

    Hope you enjoy your midnight feast. 


  • Thanks for your support - no pun intended!  I've had a lie down with ice pack pressing down on the stoma. I then plucked up courage to put the belt on tight.  That is a big improvement so I can at least get out now to go the local shop..  I'll go crackers at midnight, 

  • Maybe a small glass of wine too. Crackers can be very dry. 
    eakin slims are really gentle with the stoma. Nurse could let you have some. 
    enjoy your treat. 


  • Sounds like excellent advice!