Colostomy and urostomy together feels scary

  • 4 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I am waiting for an operation on my vulva which is potentially going to leave me with having a colostomy and urostomy. I'm trying to prepare myself for this and wondered if anyone had got any advice on how I can do this? Apart from being terrified I am trying to be positive and take some control. Any helpful advice would be fab! 

  • Hi Flamingo275,I have a urostomy and have adjusted well to a stoma.I’m happy to help if I can.I had bladder cancer.Have you got a date for your surgery yet ? Love Jane x

    • Hi Jane  thanks for the reply. Its good to know that you've adjusted well. I should get an op date next week. I of my main concerns is how long it takes to recover, I'm fit and well at the moment and dreading going backwards again. Also I'm not sure how I'll deal with the change in body image. It all feels very overwhelming at the moment! Belinda x 


  • Hi Belinda,I know the feeling of being overwhelmed by it all.I’d never had major surgery before and was scared.I had so much help from being on these forums and the advice and support got me through.I met the stoma nurses a week or so before the surgery.I watched a video about urostomy and the nurse drew in marker pen where the stoma would be positioned.The stoma team were very helpful.I didn’t really think much about body image.My prognosis was bleak without the surgery so I always looked upon the stoma as life saving.The stoma team at the hospital were good too and within a few days I was changing the bag unaided.The stoma nurses will show you how to care for the stoma and arrange what supplies you will need to begin with.It is good that you are fit and well,that will really help.I still wear the same sort of clothes but find tunic tops are good for comfort.Do you have supportive family and friends ? Love and best wishes Jane x

  • Hi Jane that all sounds really positive. Unfortunately the stoma will be a consequence vulval surgery which at the start I hadn't even considered. My family and friends have been really supportive, but its sometimes hard to put on a brave face, the Macmillan nurse has been great and provided tissues! I know I'll cope but it's just such a scary thought and knowing I'll have a colostomy too. It's great to hear how they prepare you and helps me to know what to expect, love Belinda x 
