
  • 5 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi there I have just come out of hospital as had my bowel removed so now have a stoma bag am not settling well in my self as am worried I look awful and what people will think so just want to no if anyone can help with this thanks 

  • Hi Dac70105, 

    I'm sorry you're feeling like this. I had my surgery in March and it did take me some time to adjust to the stoma and feeling confident with it. I had to give myself some time mentally to adjust to the new me, as the swelling went down more around my abdomen and I felt more secure with the bag it started to feel better. Had issues with leakages which got me down a lot, but some help from the stoma nurse really helped me and I've had no issues since. Sorry I can't be of more help, but please know that it gets better and you don't look awful. 

    - Em

  • Hi Dac70105

    Have you ever walked towards someone in the street and thought "that person has a stoma" ? No, because you can't tell! I work at Wilko and only a few people know I have a stoma. They've all said that you wouldn't know unless you told them. It's a part of you now and you will get used to it in time. Keep your chin up!

    Love Kim xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Missem

    Thank you so much I hope u are ok this means alot

  • Hi Dac70105.

    How are you doing with getting used to your stoma? I hope it's becoming easier for you. You can ask anything on here, there's a lot of good help and advice from people. It can be a bit quiet on here though so if you post on cancer types I find you get a lot more feedback. It really does get better with time.

    Love Kim xx 

  • Hi Dac70105

    Give yourself time. It is a steep learning curve with ups and downs, but I promise it gets easier. I had a colostomy at the end of December and found it very difficult at first, but practice makes perfect and you will get there in the end. Your tummy swelling will go down, the stoma will decrease in size (mine went to about half what it started out as) and changing the bag becomes very quick and easy. No more siting on the loo with constipation or diarrhoea!
    I read the other day that 1 in 500 people in the UK have a stoma, which means you have probably met someone who has one and yet you had no idea.

    I agree with what everyone else has said: you are not alone, and it will get better x