  • 12 replies
  • 33 subscribers

Hi Everyone

hope everyone is okay. I have not been on for quite a while.

Had a few issues at easter with a twisted bowel.

Question, for the people for who have one for quite a while, do you restrict yourself about what you eat like we

are instructed, but a few friends say I am being to careful, but when you have had bowel blockages in the past

I am very careful, have started eat more veg than at the beginning (not anything with skins) do people eat, baked

beans, or tomatoes etc.  My ileostomy is very small, but manageable.

Many thanks


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Pauline

    I was missing fruit and fresh veg. For the first couple of months it was just cooked carrots and stewed apple. I've only got adventurous very recently and so much happier for it.

    Still on 7 loperimide x4 a day, every now and then I reduce it if when output thickens. I reduce to 3 tablets when I had the blockage and went down to 6 for a few days last week but cant keep output consistent. 

    I eat 3 main meals plus snacks so 6ish meals a day, I eat every 2 hours! I've put on weight but that's a good thing for me. It's been a struggle as my snacks of choice would be fruit or yoghurt, instead I'm having crisps, cheese & biscuits/sandwich, scones & cream!

    I don't know what a big or small ileostomy is but would suggest you try a more varied diet and chew loads. I was nervous about peas but make a conscious effort to grind them down. All the chewing does make me feel full quicker so I find it difficult to eat big meals. 

    I do smoothies to help get the variety of fruits and nutrients, but never know if that counts towards my 2 litres of fluid? But my output seems under control and I'm gaining the weight required so will keep doing as I am.

    Hope you get your PET scan soon and it throws some light on your problems. Happy chewing!

    Dawn x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Dawn

    I think I may try smoothies. Like you I was told to eat lots of fattening things which I became addicted too, now of course

    I don't need to eat cakes or crisps, but still have a slice of cake in the afternoon.

    I was instructed to eat bread, pasta and rice to thicken up(since being taken off Loperamide) things until I see the doctor but not going back for 3 months, I have put 11lbs on from May, so not happy, but cannot diet at such.

    When I talked about a small ileostomy, I meant the circumference (size of a 5p ha ha)

    I will keep on chewing.

    Take care.

    Pauline x