A really runny stoma

  • 32 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I'm really hoping someone can offer me some advice. I had a total colectomy in Nov 2016, and I've been recovering really slowly. One of my main issues is a high output stoma, producing what looks just like brown water.

What concerns me is that I have been prescribed imodium to thicken it up - and whilst in the hospital it worked fantastically. At home though, it seems to have no effect. I have been told I can have up to 32 mg of the drug, so it doesn't appear to be a case that I'm taking insufficient quantities.

In terms of diet I am trying to follow advice from my dietician, and I am having fortisip protein drinks as prescribed.

Has anyone experienced anything similar?

Kindest regards,

A man who claims to be tall.

  • that's good to hear Vizsla. I find yoghurt really  good for my intestines (I've also got divertivulitis). Didn't even know what that was until I looked it up. I so have a Yakult or aptimil a day- these little drinks good for the gut .

    "don't think about tomorrow"

  • Hi I feel your pain I had an high out put ended up in hospital several times with it causing dehydration has to have a drip.

    I took the imodem several times a day but not much effect its a lot better now I had finished chemo it's difficult trying to contain it.