Ileostomy and noise from output

  • 8 replies
  • 9 subscribers

Hi, I am 4 and a half months with my stoma, I am finding occasionally after eating that output is being created but it is making such loud fart noises, it is really embarrassing. Is what I am eating making a difference? I would really appreciate some advice. What makes the output thick compared to runny?


  • Hi . Yes they can be a bit noisy at tines can’t they? My stoma was called Lily so I used to say ‘excuse you Lily’ if it was audible but maybe more difficult when with people who aren’t aware of your stoma. It might be worth keeping a food diary for a couple of weeks to see if certain foods are causing the noise? 

    The usual recommendations for thickening up output (besides immodium/loperamide) are wine gums, jelly babies and marshmallows. Starchy foods like mash potato and rice. I found fish and chips gave me a very thick (and very smelly!) output and also my dad’s apple crumble.

    Ive found this information while googling which looks quite helpful too

    Hope these help

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kareno62

    Mines called Phred.... goodness the fish and chip info is...

    too late!!!!...

    just snaffled my first meal since a week before lovkfien


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kareno62

    Karen,  thanks so much, the two attachments were very helpful.

    particulary it seems I can eat apples which I love but have been avoiding.

     I call my stoma Stuart, obviously it is male as it is rude,loud and occasionally annoying!!Grinning I try jelly babies and marshmallows but once the bag is open I just can't stop. But there's nothing that I can do to stop the noise? 

  • Hi . Mine wasn’t noisy that often so you might find that Stuart settles down with time. I used to clamp my hand over Lily but it used to depend on how noisy the surroundings were - I remember her once being very vocal around the Sunday lunch table but luckily it was just family and my office co-workers knew about her too. You could try asking your stoma nurses if they’ve any suggestions? I know some people wear hernia belts which might muffle any noises but it seems a shame to wear one unnecessarily and they can sometimes squash the stoma and then the output sometimes collects on and around the stoma which can be messy. 

    Hope he quitens down a bit for you

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Sorry Pru! Yes Grimsby docks springs to mind and the need to open a window!

    Karen x

    ps but worth it Stuck out tongue winking eye

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi all, 

    I have had my stoma for over two years now.  Yes diet will have a sizeable effect on both the noise and stool produced. For me, it's a choice of what you're prepared to put up with.  The very bland diet, similar to the diet you may have had when under chemotherapy and radiology, will probably limit unwanted noises and watery discharge. However, I for one could not give my love for fresh fruit, a good stir fry, curry or fish and chips. There is a cost for this.  I have found that a couple of peppermints in combination with a deodorant powder in the stoma, 99% of the time eliminates unwanted wiffyness, but the sound just has a mind of its own. Most people that I have been with are very understanding and feeling of self consciousness is greatly reduced.

    Best wishes, 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kareno62

    Grim-by-Sea.... on other side of Humber 17 miles from Hull although( as an aside) computer searches tell me it just a stone throws away

    which is ok


    I've list my water wings 


  • my stoma is called bastard