Poem of thanks

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I promised God that I'd write something for Him after Easter in thanks for His looking after me.  I hadn't been able to write anything since the start of treatment last year but now I'm near the end of it I felt I could try again.  I hope this will be of some interest and comfort.


Made in fulfilment of a vow

How shall I thank you, Lord,

for Your care of me

Through those long and heavy months

while illness clung to me.

Its bite held fast but Your

sustaining love opened its jaws,

Took the pincers from me

and its waving threat.

You gave me life and breathed it

every day through sleep and sleeplessness

Into my heart and mind

giving me calm and strength.

Your gift prevailed against the dark.

Your light led me forward and on.

I am Your battered creation

and You will make me whole.

AngelaG, with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit

13th April 2024