Prayer support is needed please

  • 79 replies
  • 15 subscribers

My husband now needs to have surgery next Tuesday Bowel resection and temp stoma.

difficult time at best of times but with virus throws additional concerns as you can imagine.

i would really appreciate your prayers please for a safe and successful operation and full speedy recovery and back to health.

thank you my faithful friends xxx

  • Continuing healing prayers for Don and yourself Process that the Lord may surround you both with comfort,strength and protection. May He bless you both and all the teams in the various wards who have been looking after Don and give you all His peace. Love and hugs Lamb.xx

  • Thank you today has been a real low day and I crumbled in much need of prayers for us both xx

  • Certainly upholding you both up and ((hugs)) coming your way.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Sending some healing prayers your way ,


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    “let hope be your lighthouse beckoning you though stormy seas" - Jessica de la Davies

  • Hearts️Heart

    P️raying that in your weakness he will fight for you and make you both strong and whole in Jesus precious name.

    Rest in him. Much love Kissing heart

  • Dear #process I’m not on the forums much at the moment so only just seen this. Praying for you x

  • Thank you we still need prayers as he is still very sick xx

  • Hi process, I'm so sorry to hear Don is still very sick. You are both in my thoughts and prayers daily. May the Lord take you both in his arms and give you his healing touch, comfort and strength to get through this situation in these difficult times and you will get through it  with His help. Praying that you both just rest with him and receive his unconditional love and peace. God bless and protect you both. Love and gentle hugs. Lamb.xx

  • Lovely to hear from you fairycake. You are another who has been on my mind a lot. I hope you have managed to resolve most of the problems you encountered recently which took you from the forum with His help. I understand completely the reasons for stepping back, I had to as well just after you I suspect for much the same reasons but it's good to hear from you again. I miss your wise words and calm advice! The Lord is gradually bringing all the people that are on my mind to me so I am reassured and comforted that they are well in these difficult times. God bless and protect you and your family. Your daughter is doing sterling work in these dangerous times..I so admire her. Love and hugs. Lamb.xx

  • I am asking for prayer support for my mother and father and for my sister and myself for strength and comfort. Unfortunately my mother took a turn for the worse yesterday loosing the use of her left arm and leg and having immense difficulty breathing and getting her words out due to GBM stage 4. My father lost the ability to communicate last summer and is bedbound due to Lewy Body Dementia. Both are in the same care home, same floor, different wings. We have been told my mother's decline will be rapid. We worry about my father without mum as he is aware of her presence. Due to lockdown and my having to shield visiting has not been possible or allowed although they made an exception for my mother only yesterday which we thank God for. Thank you everybody. God bless you all.Lamb.xx