the right thing

  • 6 replies
  • 8 subscribers

Hi all,

I'm a bit unsure. After my consultation at Christie (they were great) where I was offered the three treatment options or to postpone and go on active surviellance. possibly until I retire in two years, or longer. I'm trying to put it to the back of my mind but the idea of having prostate cancer and not doing anything is a little unsettling. My Gleason score was 7. Should I ,shouldn't I delay?

  • Hi

    I'm glad to hear that your consultation went well but it's natural to wonder what treatment plan you should follow when you're given options.

    Could I suggest that you join the prostate cancer group as I'm sure the men over there will be able to answer your questions and share their experiences with you.

    To join just click on the link I've created and then choose 'join this group' on the page that opens. You can then post your question by selecting 'start a discussion' and read and respond to existing posts.

    Wishing you all the best with whatever path you choose.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Thanks latchbook. Will do.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Milltown,

    I think it would be worthwhile attending Out with Prostate Cancer at the LGBT Foundation on Canal Street. One of the guys at the support group has been on active surveillance for over 10 years now!

    Best Wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Sean,

    thanks for the information, unfortunately I (we) will be away for the next meeting on 6th July. Also I work Saturdays and go straight to Kendal after work. Back Mondays.

    Pleased to hear of 10 year guy, I really don’t relish the the idea of the op’. The doctors lay out the options but still leave the decision to us. This very new to me but I will stick with the active surveillance and see how the PSA checks go.

    thanks for your input. Clever of you to guess Milltown would know Canal st. 


    Andrew Aka Milltown

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Awww, it's a shame that you won't be able to make it to one of the meetings. We specifically put the meetings at 2 pm on a Saturday afternoon to try and ensure that people who work in the week would be able to make it to the meetings, and to take into account travel time for those who don't live in the Greater Manchester area. You might want to check out Prostate Cancer UK's online group for gay and bisexual men: It is facilitated by Simon Faulkner who runs the face-to-face group LGBT Walnut, held at METRO in London.

    As you say prostate cancer is quite unique in that men are presented with a variety of treatment options and it is up to them to choose the most appropriate one, which can leave people in quite a quandary. I think support groups and online forums such as these can be a big help when it comes to these decisions so I would encourage you to sign up to Prostate Cancer UK's online group.

    Best Wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Sean, I will check out the sites you’ve suggested. If I get the opportunity to attend  one of the canal st meetings I’ll let you know.


    andrew mill town.