People offering to pray

  • 3 replies
  • 10 subscribers

Since my diagnosis with oral cancer (still waiting for scan to confirm extent, stage, etc) i've only mentioned it to a very limited number of people. 

A number of those people have either offered to pray for me, or told me that they'll be praying for me. 

Personally i'd rather they saved their time, and breath, for something more useful. My partner is a Christian, and if praying helps her feel better about the situation i've no problem with her doing so, but the thought of strangers in the church community saying prayers to a non-existant god about my illness really just seems odd. 

Is there a polite way to decline these kind offers. Don't get me wrong - i fully appreciate that they are doing what they feel is the right thing and I dont want to appear ungrateful for their kind thoughts. But if someone's going to spend 5 minutes saying a prayer for me, i'd rather they spent that 5 minutes picking up litter, feeding a hungry child, or doing something else that will actually have a positive effect on the world. 

My partner's aunt is actually going to the effort of driving all the way to the church (apparently its open for private prayer) to pray for me. I'm not an eco-warrior by any stretch of the imagination (i drive a big thirsty 4x4) but it does seem a waste of fuel. 

Ironically, "prayer" is one of the things that led to me becoming an Atheist. If a god is so conceited that he wants people to spend their sunday mornings on their knees in church telling him how great he is, then frankly I wouldn't want to believe in him anyway ;)

  • Hi Private penguin,

    I’m really sorry to read about your diagnosis and I hope you manage to get a good way forward with treatment. Unfortunately, I’ve been in your position re: praying many times. My view is that praying is more to do with the person doing the praying than the person being prayed about. It gives a lot of comfort to some people which is great so I would never stop someone praying. But if there is an inclination that they are doing it for your benefit, then I’d nip it in the bud, as it is quite offensive really. If someone genuinely cares for you, then they should do what works for you and I like your idea of asking them to do something else with the time, that seems like a really smart idea. You don’t have to ask them to stop praying if it helps them, but if they care about you, they should really do something you take value from.

    Wishing you all the best


  • Hi Private Penguin, I would use humour to stop them.  Try replying with a crazy response ...

    "YES!  Power to positive thinking !!!!"  and then change the subject.  If they carry on, you can start talking passionately about oh how you hear that voodoo magic/ spells work wonder too.   Tell them, "If your prayer doesn't work, I surely would try voodoo ... or vitamin D."  Then once you get better, tell them the positive effect of magic.

    At least, you would have some fun with them.  They might even enjoy your sense of humour, and have a good laugh.

    In any case, get well soon !!!

  • Personally I would just thank them and say I’m not religious x