Surviving Oesophageal Cancer

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  • 8 subscribers

Hi , I’m new to this site but wanted to share my experience of living with oesophageal cancer. I realise that I’m one of the lucky ones in that my cancer was caught relatively early and was therefore operable.

I was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus in February 2007 and after many tests and two sessions of chemotherapy I underwent an Ivor Lewis operation, which is major surgery to remove the cancer, and lasted around seven hours. I responded well throughout and remained only five days in intensive care before being moved to a general ward and released a week later.

Since then, I’ve continued to do well but suffer from dumping syndrome as a result of the surgery. This is an unpleasant side-effect that causes fatigue, sweating and nausea after eating. Also, I now have to have vitamin B12 injections every three months as my body can no longer process this essential vitamin.

All in all, I feel ok and have remained positive all the way through. I realise I’m extremely lucky and count my blessings every day.

I’ve read so many negative reports about this type of cancer so I felt I had to share something positive for those of you who have, or know someone with, Oesophageal cancer.

All the best


  • FormerMember
    Hi Sal,

    We have not spoken before but you really must speak to Brumigem - he's been through the mill and is living proof that there are GOOD things out there that can be done for this type of cancer. I'll request you as a friend and look out for Mick, Brumigem, i'm sure he will be a godsend to you.

    Lots of love to you and Mr Sal

    Love Wend x
  • FormerMember
    Hi Crystal sorry if I am butting in on your thread, would you mind if I asked a question? What is the "dumping" you refer to, i have heard this before and am not sure if that is what my mum is experiencing at the moment, she had her op in May (feel free to read profile) and is often just slightly sick kind of balking but nothing much really comes up, its just a nuisance for her. Her stomach still seems a bit off too, either too much toilet activity or not enough!!! All this said though she is doing well and I am really proud of her.

    As Sally says it is so nice to hear such a positive story and you taking the time to support others going through this is great.

    Best wishes,
    Rose x
  • FormerMember

    Rose, an extract from the OPA (Oesophageal Patients Association)


    A sensation known as Dumping Syndrome occurs when the food you have eaten passes rapidly through the system and may give rise to some of the following symptoms: dizziness, possibly fainting, feeling very hot, sickness and pain in the abdomen. Diarrhoea or frequent bowel movements may follow. It can be unpleasant and distressing, but is not serious and generally the frequency of attacks becomes less. The effects normally disappear in half an hour or so. For Oesophagectomy patients it generally occurs an hour or more after eating (late Dumping). Those who have had a gastrectomy may be more prone to dumping, and this may occur sooner after eating (early Dumping).

    Dumping is a fairly complex subject and we have factsheets available which give more detail.

    More info at.............................

  • FormerMember
    Thanks Mick. That sounds like its probably what she has then. Scan next week to check her lung, fingers xd no change there. Hope you are well xxx
  • Hi Sally

    Hope the chemo goes well for John and he sounds very fit physically which is a huge plus, as is a sense of humour J. Just take a step at a time if you can, as that will save you a lot of worrying Sal. It’s hard to be a carer and you’ve been there before so are even more fearful.

    As Wend says, I hope you’ll also chat with Brumigem here as he’s been through such a lot and is an amazing example of someone who’s been through all this himself – plus he has a lovely sense of humour when I’ve read his posts. Please let me know how John is doing with his chemo etc.

    Hi Rose – you’re not butting in, you’re very welcome here. It’s very early days after your mother’s surgery and she will experience all kinds of funny goings on in her tum. There are days of sheer constipation and then days of hovering round a bathroom door just in case Lol. As for eating, to be frank I found it a bit of a nightmare for quite a while. Mostly, after swallowing I’d start retching and I just couldn’t find any food that really appealed or I cared to eat. It settled down eventually and it sounds as though your mum is going through similar, but she’s doing alright by the sound of it.

    Hi Brumi xxx thanks for being here, we need your humour J How are you and when do you start your vitamin B12 injections? I see some lovely photos on your profile but none of you? Keep posting as I want to know how you are doing.

    All best things for you all - Crystal

  • FormerMember
    Thanks Crystal, much appreciated xxx
  • FormerMember


    Thanks Wend, I will contact Brumigem and look out for their posts, John never had his Chemo last thursday as his blood count was too low so hopefully it will resume this Thursday, each day draws nearer to the operation but thanks to people like you Crystal I have been made aware of a few problems that may occur such as dumping which I had not heard about so I will not start to stress if this happens, I just wish it was all over now but just take it day as it comes which is all we can do, funny, you think you have it all panned out, looking back now I wish 1 in 200 that I had done more in demanding more intense screening of the Barretts but I honestly didn't think John would be that contract cancer through it. I send you all my love and best wishes

  • Hi Sal - I'm sure you did everything you both could in following the regular screening protocol for Barretts oesophagus.

    Just try to focus on getting through the next session of chemo and ensuring John is as reasonably fit as he can be ready for the surgery. I was reading in the Daily Mail today that this operation can now be performed by keyhole surgery, but apparently there are only a handful of places that use this procedure. The article went on to say that recovery time from this is a few weeks as opposed to around a year with the Ivor Lewis procedure which I had.

    Let me know how John gets on on Thursday and make sure you have some quality time for yourself too.

    Crystal xx

  • FormerMember
    Thanks so much for your kind and appreciated support. John had his CT scan on monday and we had a letter from the hospital yesterday with an appointment to see his oncologist this tuesday so i guess we will know the results then. I am not sure how i feel, i so want to be positive but there is this thing nagging in the back of my head. He is eeling very well and at my daughters wedding reception last night people were really suprised at how well he looked. It's a long journey we now have to face and the adaptions we have to make after the operation, i just want it done and then back to how things were but i know they will never be the same again. I will let you know as soon as we know the results. I hope you are well and everything is dandy with you
    Love Sal
  • FormerMember
    Thinking of you both Sal.

    Fingers crossed.
