Talking to children about terminal cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hi all - my dad aged 70 has been diagnosed with lung cancer which has spread, the treatments aren't working (radiotherapy and he can't have chemo) so it's a case of pallitative care. We've been told he has months to live. I have 2 children aged 5 and 7 and I would like to be able to talk to them about what is happening and prepare them as much as you can. I bought a book called Cancer Party which is great for this age group to explain cancer, how it spreads and different treatments in a child friendly way. It feels like it gives them false hope though as it talks about the person getting back to normal after treatment which isn't the case with their granddad. Has anyone got any experience of books broaching the topic of terminal cancer? At the moment all they know is that granddad is very unwell. Thoughts appreciated thank you

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your dad, with us it is my wife who has the cancer and added to our issues our son has autism so I was especially concerned about books that promised "cure" since we knew that was never possible.

    Still the tips in Talking to children and teenagers can be helpful and especially the suggestions about remembering to include the school in the circle since they will be another trusted adult in their lives. There is also this resource that might be helpful.



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  • I’m looking for advice on this forum. don’t know if I’m in the right place 

    my ex husband has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer that has spread to his lungs and liver. And we are now waiting for MRI results as they think it’s gone to his kidneys. 
    my daughter is 8 and hasn’t seen or spoken to her father in 4 years. We have had no contact. Not even now. I have only been told by family. I have messaged him as I am obviously heartbroken. But he hasn’t asked to see our daughter still and I’m sure it’s not the right thing for her to do so when she doesn’t really know him. 
    I just don’t know how to feel. Or if I should be telling my daughter (she’s very happy and settled at school and in life) I don’t want to disrupt her happy world yet before I have to. 
    I just want to protect her. But I am doing the wrong thing keeping this from her?

  • Apologies in my rudeness and desperate message. 
    I am so so sorry to ready of your darling dad. And everyone else’s sad diagnostics x