Helplessness & anger- Dad has cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hi, it’s my first time posting here. I suppose no one looks forward to it. 
We’ve had a battle to get a biopsy for a wound that wouldn’t heal, arguing that it’s getting bigger and bigger with healthcare staff refusing to prioritise us- saying it wasn’t. Finally been referred to another hospital after finding out it’s actually an aggressive cancer. Now a life-changing op has to take place. 
The op has been cancelled days before it was due to take place after a pet scan. Obsessing over what this means. I know we can’t just guess but we’ve been told nothing. 
It feels hard to breathe (don’t mean to sound selfish). How do you trust healthcare professionals when you’ve been let down so tremendously? 
How do you process it and find the strength to be there for a loved one and still “function”?

  • Hi. It must be hard. Putting trust in strangers is always difficult. I myself was diagnosed with bowel cancer in June which has mostly been there for a few years. All the doctors I have seen failed to discover it. I'm always skeptical with GP's now but I'm in the hands of some great doctors at the hospital who I trust. They have been great. I don't think there is any correct way to process it. I joined this forum to help me. I looked at the Maggie's centre for people to talk to but it's a 45 Mim drive away. I don't know if they talk to relatives is all. Worth a try though. 

  • Just thought I would respond to your message as I am in a similar position. I am 24, dad is 52. He has been poorly for 2 years, my mum (a nurse) has battled to tell doctors that her husband was wasting away in front of her. They said he had gluten intolerant, bad back, nothing wrong etc. List goes on. Admitted to A&E on Sunday to be told he has cancer of unknown primary and has max 18 months. I am fuming to be thinking that this could have been caught and my amazing dad is going through this due to negligence and dismissal. My mum is in bits as she has been with him 28 years and heavily relies on him. Please know you are not alone. I have been climbing the walls trying to help him and he is amazing but he looks poorly and it makes me so upset.